
It still doesnt say whether this was an original production P51 or a replica...

Was this an original P-51 mustang from WW2 or one of the countless hundreds made after the war ended?

Theres two.... linear and non linear... every FF game has been linear. Some just offer a little diverging of the path to a side path but it still takes u in the same direction and eventually puts you back on the main path. If anything Grand Pulse makes FF the most open game of all time.

I hated Yuna a lot more than Lightning. Even Tidus had some insanely cheasy moments.

Explain how they are lame? Linear arguments are pointless. The only true issue with XIII was no towns.

Show me a Final Fantasy game thats not linear

Lots of people are looking forward to this game because XIII doesnt deserve the amount of hate that it generates. To be fair none of the complaints about it are truly warranted especially the claims of it being linear.... Sorry but all FF has been linear to some extent.


Meh its Solar eclipse or nothing for me...

Halo could have been a lot more than it was. Hopefully the new trilogy can put a new spin on the IP. My biggest gripe with the Halo universe was how bland the scenery and levels were. Lets face the textures, the landscape, the ships, the cities... they all had no personality or detail just polygons thrown together.

Versus XIII doesnt take place in the same universe as XIII it takes place in an alternate reality and vision of the world.

Does he allow the ambulance to follow for the fat people interviewing?

I was under the impression that Marky Mark has not yet been confirmed to be playing Drake.... especially considering that O'Russell has left the film

Why have I never heard of this game? is it on Steam?

Playing Xbox360 games on my PC with Windows 8? I wonder how that will end up for Microsoft... besides the fact that the new Windows 8 gui looks insanely clunky and stupid and a bad tablet port.

Spint is next. Mark my words they will put a cap eventually as well... if they ever get enough subscribers...

So they cant wear them on base or they cant wear them even if jogging in a residential area with their ARMY T Shirts on?

My God....the personality cores have sprouted bodies and are multiplying at a fantastic rate!!

Havent seen that yet but I saw there was one about a mech game... And another about shooting germs in a body or something. Of course theres always the new Pixeljunk shooter game on the horizon too.