
@Armagetiton: Wish they would release some more information on that new MMO. Its part of the reason why I think WoW has started to slack in its quality during Wrath. All the original devs for vanilla WoW went to work on that project...

Please no more 3D stories... cant we get something like top 10 christmas lights displays or something? Or what it takes to set one up?

Bought myself Pac-Man Championship DX and loving every minute of it!

Superman 64.... that game needs to be scoured from the face of the Earth

Pastrami/Corned Beef on Rye with hot mustard and provolone. Nothing can be greater...

Please divert everyone who worked on Cataclysm to focus on Diablo 3 now Blizzard....

Want filter button for non 3-D content now Giz!!

Another sign that MTV is no longer about music and more about crap like Jersey Shore.

My only beef with this game was the characters, the shortness of the game and no towns no weapons hardly any exploration. I would love to have explored Cocoon more and seen more of the captial city and explore every inch of it.