
@Ninja Nemo: its confirmed. my ***** works at apple. ****'s shown me the orders for unlocked phones. turist come all the time and buy them there since the dollar is less than the euro. in the training employees are told to deny it. you usually have to get a manger involved.

@Mark3: Who says the ever were.....

@beanperry: @tomsomething: actually you can do that now. once the 2 yrs are up you can go to any apple store and have them unlock the iphone and they cant say no.

@Frood: they do only its called a mac mini. ;)

@KamWrex: LOL I was thinking the same thing.

@jeff181995: no that's about right with AT&T.

Come on, can it be that bad? it worked out for Dan Aykroyd.

@AWood1984: would you want to buy 2 iphone 4 and sign a 2year contract with AT&T for a 32sec clip?

anyone know if this works for ipod touch 3g?

umm...maybe its just me but where are the other 49?

@Arken: only AT&T was able to support them??? LOL did you not read the article. They can barley support the network needed to simply place the orders. and AT&T was not the only carrier as it wasn't their first choice.

@Arken: 1. no one said this apples fault but in business your just as responsible as the people/companies you decide to partner with.

all this would be avoided if apple would just drop at&t and start providing the phone to multiple carries. correct me if I'm wrong but I dont hear these kinds of problems over seas.

Greetings from team at&t & Apple