BootneeLee Farnsworth

“When you say, ‘Wow, this sounds like quackery,’ there’s a lot of things that I see on a daily basis in Western medicine that I think, ‘Wow, why would they ever do that? That is crazy. That doesn’t work’... you guys may think I’m full of crap, but I’m the proof, what you see on the field.” He added, “I’m the best

“He supported himself in part by churning out massages.”

Its those Octopus arms, he is just so angry he can never find a sweater that fits him.

He won’t be in the NBA. But that’s really not the point. He’s providing services to Michigan State that are worth a lot of money, and getting nothing in return because of ridiculous “amateurism” rules.

He made millions for his school and hundreds of thousands for his coach. He at least deserves not to be in debt because of his attendance at Michigan State. 

The Celts also did better when they were a rag tag confederation of barbarians trying to keep Caesar out of Gaul. And they had a better chance of winning that one too. 

A quick look at the game’s play-by-play shows that Hernández blew that call by quite some margin.

Westbrook is a completely stacked athletic marvel who would absolutely whip the shit out of Mr. Keisel.  I pull you out of the grays to say as much, and in hopes of a good ol’ fashion pile-on from others.

The thing I loved about this story, is Keisel couldn’t help but tell on himself. People (dipshits in particular) seem to forget that professional athletes play at an incredibly elite level, with the most insane shit talkers on earth. These shit talkers are all programmed to spend every minute of the game trying to get

Does he think porn is real?

Hey Kevin. We realize you left a great team with an elite PG to play with an even better PG on an even better team. Now that you’ve gotten all that success out of your system, can we interest you in some Emmanuel Mudiay pick and rolls?

If we get three more comments in this thread I’m pretty sure we could be a top 3 team in the East. 

FFS. Every fucking player it seems. LeBron, Davis, Paul George, Kawhi Leonard...they either go the the Lakers or are linked to the Lakers or demand to go to the Lakers.

Thank God. LeBron has been saddled without two all star teammates for the first time in a decade. Must feel terribly unfair. 

I’m sure these kids have seen enough divers the last few days.

I’m always fascinated when articles mention Ainge’s lopsided trades as a *negative* mark against him. Like, what’s he supposed to do?

Worried about crime? Create a perpetual underclass with limited resources and options for self-actualization or success! Worried about terrorism? Kill and/or persecute innocents in a wide-ranging, religiously driven crusade! Worried about drugs? Criminalize them to an outrageous degree so that those with addiction

From this day forward, I shall refer to it as “my poopsulin.”

Keep your stinking ‘Merican hands off my poutine. Ill stab you with a fork if I have to.