BootneeLee Farnsworth

This -

Kidding aside, Jerry’s strengths and weaknesses are one and the same thing. He became the NFL Shadow Commissioner because he really is what Donald Trump pretends to be: he’s a conniving, ruthless snake with a penchant for young women, but is nevertheless able, through relentlessness, charisma and force of personality,

This post reads like you’ve been taking some of those very challenging UNC classes

As a Pats fan, please allow me to say: Fuck these people with a fencepost.

I’m not talking about free speech in any other way than it already is defined with those exclusions and caveats in mind. The first amendment itself, not some abstract notion of philosophically, epistemological, absolute free speech.

He might know LeBron is leaving after one more season and Cleveland will be back to being trash again so he wants to make sure he’s nowhere near the dumpster fire that the Cavaliers will be in 2 years.

Update (10:15 p.m. ET): Now, more than three hours after the game was scheduled to begin, they’re finally getting things underway. Some delightful tidbits:

But you haven’t identified bipartisan attitudes to the issues you name, you’ve identified what are currently partisan attitudes to the issues you name, it just so happens that the collection of issues don’t add up to the platform of a political party at the moment. Republican congresspeople aren’t going to spurn the

Hearing the fan yell, “You ain’t about it, bro!” really made me want to see what kind of visor he was wearing.

I lived in Wilmington, NC and I can attest to two things about this:

*Ahem*, that’s a sunspot occurrence table, not temperature. It’s also well noted that the Sun does have a normal cycles that it goes through regarding sunspots, it’s just completely unrelated to your point.

You do realize that’s a chart of sunspot rates, not global temperatures? It has literally nothing to do with what you’re talking about here.

Russell Westbrook: “I don’t give a fuck about the line.”

The Dan Snyder Racial Slurs play their stupid, embarrassing games in Maryland. Please don’t associate them with the good and fun teams of Washington, D.C.

I gotta say, posting an actual picture of your BA degree, and then countering criticism of that with a picture of your masters is probably the most obnoxious thing I’ve seen in a Deadspin comment section. So well done I guess.

Reeeeaally looks like the ref watches the ball and when he sees it’s not going in, blows the whistle.

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

Oh, you don’t know Trip very well at all, do you?