
This comparison works if you ignore that the original Insight was a massive compromise in literally every other aspect of being a car.

It’s almost like not everyone actually hates how governments work and can tell the difference between good advice and bad advice.

Even simpler:

I guess in an idealized state, but these days both parties largely exist to help their donors.

The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.

While I would agree that the dealer system is flawed and ridiculous.

Oh my stars and garters.

Holy Crap, I just realized this is actually in my home town. I might be getting in trouble with the wife shortly...........

It’s obvious I am in the minority here, but I like it. I voted NP assuming it is as good as the seller says it is. I have always liked the look of the hornet, and sticking it on top of a M seems like a good way to get the looks without actually having an AMC.

To heck with the FTOs, JDM Celica GT4 (black, lower left, hood scoop):

Coldest take in the history of the Internet. Quarantine boredom doesn’t excuse baseless libel. 

Amen - there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the Bell-Shepards owning some apartments. In fact, as rental housing stock in LA goes, you’re much better off having a celebrity couple like them for landlords (they’ll fix things, if only to avoid bad press) than some real estate investment ghoul like Steve Mnuchin who

Probably because so much of what passes for being progressive online is taking ideologically sexy but wildly unrealistic positions and then shitting all over people who don’t match those positions 100%

I have no issues with Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard owning a building and I think they’re being really good landlords by not charging rent for April. It’s decent and I wish my apartment complex would do the same.

So you hate capitalism because you’re financially illiterate? Got it. I mean it’s partly not your fault. Both the headline and the article framed this is in a very dishonest way, but let’s be abundantly clear here... “net worth” has little to do with your income or what you have in the bank.

Here is the one that shall forever be grayed.....

Despite capitalism being far from perfect, it still remains by far the best and most successful system that has fed, clothed, and employed the most people in human history. It is the largest net positive to the most people around the world than any other economic system ever.

So you hate Capitalism because people are giving their own money to charity instead of the government taking it and losing about 90% of it before it actually gets anywhere useful?

From what I’ve seen, Tesla isn’t worried.  For every person that says it’s wrong, 30 will complain that people are unfairly singling Tesla out.

Fun fact: the bolt pattern for those SHOs are the same as the Transit Connect.