
“Looks like I picked the wrong day...”

Goodness gracious! Great ball of fire!

they hit 88mph, and we saw some shit

I just wish they’d stop broadcasting my business all over the wasteland.

Now playing

Nope. Just the fuel in the blower. When an intake valve fails to close, the cylinder still fires. That fire goes back up in the supercharger and ignites the nitro in the supercharger.

Get out you damn commie

I like sitting at about 660'.

So are dive-planes and front-splitters dumb on a RWD? Where downforce is helpful isn’t dictated by the drive-wheels. If you have a FWD car that has mid-corner oversteer issues, downforce at the back is helpful.

I was really hoping Brittany Force would have broken that record before she had.

Correct. That’s what friction does. I’m guessing some road, after his tires blew out, a curb, the drainage ditch and most likely, both Austin’s feet planted firmly on the brake pedal while he screamed like a little girl all slowed him down considerably before he took flight.

No, silly. If a dick is exposed within 20 feet of vagina, it will flip the innate switch present in all females’ bodies, triggering them to become a skanky McSlutterPants who has sex outside of marriage.  And then they’re going to want to us to pay for the murder of the innocent bebeh they created by being a

Right? She’s so fucking tough. It’s got to be so shitty to continually have to face off against these idiots—and really, why should she have to? But she’s not afraid to do it because she knows how important it is for her to be public, for all the trans folk that don’t have the same privilege.

What a class act. I couldn’t deal with a tenth of what she does without beating someone with a chair.  

I think we all know these people’s answer: No, trans people shouldn’t use either bathroom. They should stay home and out of public, or preferably disappear altogether. They’re not genuinely worried about trans people molesting little kids*, they’re upset that trans people exist and that society is ready to start

This just shows you how isolated in their little bubble these people are. This guy clearly doesn’t know any trans people in real life; they are just some boogey-men out there that he imagines looks like John Cleese in a dress and acts like a sex-crazed lunatic. Faced with an actual, real-life trans person who just

I saw one the other day at my local Target, I thought I wonder if that person knows what an awesome car they have. Then on my way out I saw the owner, he was an older gentleman, he was loading grand kids in the car. I looked at him, he looked back, I nodded and he opened his jacket to show an AMG Racing team shirt.

I was thinking about building my own hooptie version:
