
Hi Marcy, as the friend of someone who committed suicide a little over a year ago, i just wanted to say thank-you for still fighting! (My friend was "just" depressed, but the pain got to be too much for him last year in late November.) I know that fighting is hard, but you are obviously strong- you've made it this

I am transgender and I recognise some of the things this girl went through.

I thought I had this under control, but when you have been borderline suicidal for a long time it stays with you. As someone who is trans, and has been forcibly put on suicide watch by a doc, I can relate to this far more than I want to.

"Suicide should only be attributed to depression or other mental illness. To imply that is anything other than that diminishes the experiences of people who suffer from mental illness."

That makes no sense. Depression or other mental illnesses are likely the most common causes of suicide, but that doesn't mean they are

Again, you clearly haven't done your research. We are talking about a .05% impairment in this case, again, comparable to penicillin. It would take more weed than most people would ever want to smoke to even reach the kind of impairment of a .08 BAC.

Don't overlook his multitasking skills. It takes precision to drive, and roll a doob at the same time.

Now playing

At 3:23 Freddy Fagerstrom in his dragpickup he competes with in EU championship quite succesfully.

In 1971, Brock Yates and Dan Gurney drove a Kirk F. White Ferrari Daytona from New York to Redondo Beach California in record time. They generally cruised around 100 mph and hit 172 once. Funny, but at the time, they were celebrated and heralded for their incredible effort by car enthusiasts and car oriented media.

Man, so many of the posters are sanctimonious jerks. Gotta love the moral anonymity of the internet.

They'll say "(s)he died doing what they loved" I suppose? In some ways, better than the "one grey ball hair at a time" winding road to death the rest of us are taking ( I heard some comedian say).

That exhaust is some funny shit.

GT-R: all the speed and none of the driving feel/soul.

"It's a supercar, look at the numbers!"

Those massive tires dig in when side-on to the asphalt because of a fairly hefty sidewall, then the centrifugal force of a 90 mph heavy '55 Chevy just takes over. That and the 4-link ladder bar rear suspension which, in this case, failed to plant the beast - because something probably broke within it once the tail got

What we are watching is called grudge racing, a form of drag racing that seeks to emulate street racing without endangering the general public. Drivers negotiate a bet ($1000 to $10,000. Anything less than $1K is a wimp move), and a start (arm drop, +car lengths, and/or the hit). The Camaro didn't lift because he was

Youabian Puma

Jesus, I'm sorry. I have a relative in a similar situation, also exceptionally tall. I referred her to Brigitte Neilsen (sp?). She's crazy tall and crazy hot...she's also just crazy but that's besides the point. People of all genders come in all shapes and sizes and I still haven't figured out what makes someone a man

The Typhoon from Lethal Weapon 3