
Actually I believe they are doing that for drag reduction purposes to help boos performance/mileage but in this case it sure can't hurt...

I'm fairly certain that this doesn't fly in Colorado anymore, something about the safety of the officer making the stop and the motorist being stopped or some such. Basically he doesn't have to show it to you because that would entail you coming back to his cruiser which is a safety risk for him, and they don't want

Man.... where the hell is an Air Marshall when you need one hahahah

Well the easiest answer for you there is yes, within reason they can.... Airways used for navigation in the sky are only so wide as 8 nautical miles below 18,000 feet. Above that they become Jet Routes. A Jet Route has no set width per-se but there are constraints about deviation from course on IFR flight plans which

It's called mailing the little short fat fucker that inherited his dictatorship a reality check! "The Peoples Democratic Republic" should be enthralled that it was done in a satirical portrayal of his silly fat little ass instead of blatantly mocking the things they lack as a nation, military power, or contribution to

As someone who went to school and trained to be an airline pilot, with quite a few hours in the air both as pilot and passenger I can tell you as bad as this looks.... this really isn't shit

It's Forza Horizon 2 in real life!!!

Ok ok.... in the grand scheme of things yes! but you have to admit #3 is fucking hilarious!!!

I'm the #11 guy at the car show.... cause there have literally been times I show up just to troll the 10 types on this list :-)

Comes to mind.... this dude has huuuggggeeeee balls!!!

I'm gonna have to go with Maserati Granturismo...

The old late 90's Viper... yeah that might fly but don't put that evil shit on the SRT redesign of the car Ricky Bobby! Next to the C6 Stingray these are some of the best cars under 200k. Also where do you live you have seen an abundance of these to get the whole bodybuilder thing? Most the people I've seen pushing

I'm a bit curious as to how low he was planning on pushing it to try and get around the red car... shit he was kicking up dirt from being off track before he hit the car that was skidding....

Yeah... But last year they just brought shameless plugs for the Transformers movie... OOOHHHH a Camaro with an Autobots emblem on the side...

Fuck yes, Two Lane Blacktop FTW!!!

This was at the Colorado Street Outlaws event at PPIR. For those who know everything simply by watching the video... He WAS strapped in, nobody knows why he came undone... Also when the car get's out of shape... HIT FUCKING NEUTRAL!!!! This is exactly why ratchet shifters with reverse lockout are made!!!!

Or being a pretentious douche about it because it's not your flavor of motorsport...

Ahhh misogyny, fueling male car enthusiasts since the 1930's!
Just remember this

When I came out as trans to my parents, it was a somewhat similar experience just minus all the biblical bullshit... It was a whole lot of shaming on me, asking if I ever really thought I would pass as a woman (I'm pretty tall) and after it all, right in the middle of what was basically arguing between my mother,

"I've done everything in the world for you, EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD..." Uh yeah, except you know... Accept him for who is really is... Fucking bible thumpers man...