Boo Radley

Most police are great people, there are just *some* bad ones who might kill you.

And by bad guys, you mean folks of the darker persuasion...

They act like cats who see a cucumber.

Yeah, they have police who don’t assume every civilian is a bad guy and shoot first.

In a just society those two things go hand in hand. Just societies don’t execute unarmed people in the street, regardless of their crimes. They give them a trial and punish them according to the law.

I’m sorry, what were you saying?

By your math that’s 350 unarmed dead people who should still be alive. Nearly one a day for the whole year. The fact that you don’t see that as a problem says all that needs to be said about you.

Police violence isn’t down because police violence was never measured before. The Washington Post started a police shooting archive less than 2 years ago, the first in the country. It counted nearly 1000 police killings in its first year. That’s more people killed by police than any gang in the country. 3 people a day

Here’s a fact, there’s a video from Oklahoma that’s shows a man with his hands up in the air being called a ‘bad looking dude’ from several hundred feet up in the air by someone in a helicopter.


I don’t know the situation on the ground but it’s kinda funny to see police in body armor and weaponry acting as if they’re being attacked by wild animals when approached by a guy in a pony tail and a woman holding a sign. When did the police become so skittish?

The militarisation of the police in this country and their panicked overreaction is stunning. They are treating the protestors like de facto criminals. The people have a right to assembly as enshrined in the Constitution. Are the police aware of this?

When they reply to you, you MUST dismiss them. It’s not that hard, and more people should be doing it.

Happy International Peace Day 😢💔

You seriously think an ex-boyfriend having and monitoring security cameras around his ex-girlfriend’s home -- when she is married to someone else and they are definitely broken up -- is a normal, fine thing?

I was actually questioned by a cop about a neighbor who had vanished. I was barely aware that I *had* a neighbor in the unit, although I did know that the guy had had a pizza delivered a couple of nights earlier but wasn’t there to get the pizza. The delivery girl had knocked on my door to see if I knew where he was.

Security cameras? That’s an extra level of gross.

Psst, they’re voting Clinton. They’re just trying to keep their cool kid cred at the same time.

Wait until they get the full statistics for this year. The Trump campaign has definitely been pushing prejudice of all forms to critical mass.