
He’s silver-medaling. People who feel like they’re juuuust on the cusp of the glory of white personhood will double down hard on what they perceive to be white rhetoric and ideology. They make for useful pawns and shock troops. See also: the Irish/Italians, 100 years ago.

His new campaign slogan:

I really feel like it’d be inappropriate to consider a SCOTUS nominee in the middle of the campaign like this. We should really wait until the election and let the voice of the American people be heard.

He chose to use a racist slur. He did it specifically because it was offensive. If it wasn’t offensive, he wouldn’t have thought it was funny. He can’t get upset that people are offended.

See, that’s what gets me. Felix could’ve come up with something else that would be “edgy” or whatever for those guys to put on a sign, but instead he chose “kill all the Jews.” He could’ve had them write, “Prostate Exams: Free or Best Offer” or “Goat hand jobs $2" or something. But he went with the Jews thing. What

It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.

That seems to be the go-to method for edgelords:

There’s no shock value in it. That stance has been trotted out for so fucking long. Where’s the shock value in some privilege white fuck, punching down and mimicking anti-semitic slogans of old?

So you can’t explain why it’s funny, and your overall stance is against some perceived censorship.

Yes, in addition to the antisemitism watching impoverished people do anything for small amounts of money was also hilarious.

Cmon, in what way is paying people to write down antisemetic slogans not funny?

He should make the homeless fight over McDonalds then force the winner to suck his wiener like normal rich Right Wing people do to honor Jesus.

This joke has context. And entire movie’s worth of context.

What’s funny about someone with million of followers, exploiting poor workers, to make a statement that is specific to a group, who have been killed in mass numbers in the past for being who they are?

On the bright side now I have a legitimate reason to hate Pewdiepie.

There’s nothing controversial about it, especially considering people actually believe it. They believed it in the past, and it led to the holocaust, and scum rising today believe it to.

How is this funny? Saying an anti-semitic comment without any context isn’t funny. It just means he’s an asshole. The fact that you find it hilarious is very telling of your opinions towards Jews.

When you’ve won Stormfront’s support you done fucked up.

He was only preaching anti-Semitism *ironically* over and over and over and...

Well done. How very original, edgy, and pushing the boundaries. Anti-Semitic ‘jokes’, so fresh.