
In before torches and pitchforks; the censoring is utterly unnecessary and the object the kid's eating is actually a piece of old brown bread. Of course the creators were most probably aware what will become of the scene, so I see it as a bit of (japanese) fan service..

Michelle is happy that it's Friday.

You might be in the minority on this, as I also thought it was a terrific episode. One of my favorites in JLU, actually.

Well, I think it's an awesome episode, and one of my favorites from JLU. To each their own, I guess.

My favourite JLU episode that introduced me to a now-favourite Booster Gold.

That was an awesome episode. The Writers on JLU were huge fans of Buffy and tried to model it after The Zeppo and I thought they nailed it.

Whaaaatt? I thought Booster Gold was...well gold! Was great to have a light hearted episode. Course I watched it with my 6 year old son so maybe that helped but I actually thought this was pretty funny writing.

I don't outright hate the episode like a lot of fans seem too, but "The Great Divide" is a completely disposable and boring filler episode of Avatar: The Last Airbender.

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Stupid movie but I watch every time it's on:

I looked and couldn't find anyone who mentioned it. I've given it several shots but it took people that I generally and genuinely enjoy separately, mashed them together with a laugh track and a less-than lead character and made it an unfunny mess. But for some reason people seem to laud it as one of the funniest

I'm sorry, I just... didn't get it. I gave up in the second season. It was just such a listless and boring show that had good ideas that I wanted to like, but were executed in such a way that I couldn't commit to it, or the characters, emotionally.

Because, y'know, science and stuff.

any other huge RPG fans loathe lost odyssey? I got about 10 hours into it and could just not keep going. Maybe I will give it another try, as that was about 4 years ago

Lost Odyssey was terrible - even in comparison to the worst Final Fantasies. The writing was on the level of a high school teens creative writing class; the characters were lifeless and bland, the voice acting varied from passable to completely atrocious and the world was limited to cramped, linear spaces. On top of

Oh course she is. She can firebend.

Oh my god yes. Martha and friggin idea how that happened and came LITERALLY out of nowhere.