
The team is right though. It is slang for an erection.

And she was the attacker, so “stand your ground” attaches to the party she attacked. This is not new law; injuries sustained during the commission of a crime are considered the fault of those committing the crime, regardless of how they were caused. She still has to be tried, and may not be convicted if the jury are

What she said was unacceptable, but understandable. Of course people will get defensive when you back them into a corner like that. I’d have done the same in her shoes, and I don’t blame her in the slightest, especially since she clarified her stance and apologized for what was clearly said in the heat of the moment.

Let’s tap the brakes on the use of “reporter” in this particular circumstance.

You get paid for this?

Bone hugs in harmony.

ecstatic release at a Bone party, huh

Because an Indian Scout Sixty will kick the teeth in on a Harley Sportster with a 1200cc engine, for less money. The Scout FTR 1200 is killer looking, and Indian doesn’t have all the grandpa bike baggage that Harley does. 

The problem with Harley is on the showroom floor. You got too many old school bikers selling bikes. That is one of the reasons why Buell failed, it’s because their salesmen didn’t have a clue about them and preferred to try and sell you a softtail.

Build the stupid electric scooter you jackasses.

“Dr. Disrespect Streams Inside an E3 Bathroom”

Yep, and also there weren’t skins designed to look like Matt Damon from The Martian, Sandra Bullock from Gravity, and Chris Pratt from Guardians of the Galaxy because they definitely didn’t do any of that.

If he is telling the truth and it was consensual, then what other defense is there other than to attack her credibility and show a history of a consensual sexual relationship?

Bye bye Miss American Pie drove my Ford to the Fjord but the Fjord was dry.

Maybe the staffer shouldn’t have been leaning against the Dolphins’ offensive line when talking to Zeke.

As the father of a 7yo girl, one who is insanely in love with Jojo, I am totally OK with Jojo dressing like a 10yo for quite a while. It’s much better than some of these sexed-up young artists whom in turn influence young girls, like my daughter into wanting to look similar. If you don’t have a young daughter that

Your last line nailed it.  People have acted like assholes in pursuit of a much smaller piece of the pie, so if she wants to look like a unicorn farted her out, after it rode the rainbow down to earth, and act like a decent human being, I’m OK with that.

I mean, of course she can wear whatever she wants...But seeing a 5'9 15 year old dressed as a toddler is um, let’s say unusual. She says - “I see people who are my age and who are acting a lot older and who are trying to be someone or something that they’re not” But essentially that’s what she’s doing as well, just in

Reporting on any of these fucking “petitions” is super lame and just a reach for content and I’m kinda glad theyre getting rid of the white house one. Literally anyone can start one for whatever dumb reason and people will sign them just as a joke. They have no bearing on anything. Did you think any of the readers

I just don't get it, this guy spent seventeen years of his life building something that he could have bought by saving his money for seventeen years. I could never accomplish this feat myself but come on you are building a fake Lambo. I get the pride and joy of doing something like this. Maybe if he source a real