
Alternatively, if flying for hobby, you can learn to fly a glider and stay airborn for hours without a drop of fuel. 

Properly educated drivers would mean less money in registration, inspection, and tax collection. Because for many people, educated driving is simply impossible. 

Basically the death of American shopping malls will be revitalized by electric car charging stations.

Makes me want a Caterpillar special edition Corvette.

What a waste of money. 

Good. This whole Trans fad is stupid. 

Yeah, once a decade when it sees asphalt.

Everyone know full electric is the way to go now. 

China has Billions of people. 

So he’s related to Steve Jobs? 

Because the guy fairly purchased something placed for sale. 

Wont pass pedestrian safety standards.

What most funny is the windows still hold up better than any window sold in a production car right now.

I wonder what qualifies this as a tractor? 

OK boomer to me meant that people were too old to care about climate change. 

Oh, so the problem is she was let off too easy and not punished more harshly by being sent home as well as not having her picture taken. GOT IT. 

You’re the  one talking all the crap like “motherfucker” and “shit troll”. Maybe you should be grey too with me... 

Very homophobic of you to say. 

Red extensions in not black empowerment. 

Way to turn something not about race into some shit about race. Red extensions suddenly becomes black empowerment for absolutely no reason other than not being able to follow rules.