
So priorities for a modern day video game company is to create a character that makes you feel good? 

It’d be easy if all video games were American. But, they international... 

This should not be an excuse for Blizzard. They’re job is to turn over games and it takes them years just to develop a character. Their slow rate of progress and willingness to scrap years of work is a sign of waste of resources. Fan boys should step aside and let ATVI put all the pressure on them.

The problem with Blizzard is it takes years to do anything and they’ll scrap everything on a whim. 4 years to create a character is absurd. Activation does not pay them to waste time to make nothing.

Is it possible for Capcom to claim they are including the emulation code for free and only profiting off the joystick hardware and their own Rom software? 

I think this problem is debatable that Capcom is profiting off their rom software and joystick hardware, but can technically say the emulator is included free.

Rail travel should be adopted into a more fun and exciting way to travel. You’re not cramped in a car or imprisoned to a single seat. Rail travel’s potential seems really great. 

Less cars on the road equals less road congestion. If you really want to report something, tell us the traffic on the highway between those 2 cities and the estimated traffic the tunnels can handle. It sounds to me you are just Musk hating and not actually thinking about the potential.

Being honest, you’re a blogger... not a journalist. 

The more I think of it the more I would like to see a more modernized renovation. The Cathedral will never be the same, so why bother trying? Just toss a big solar roof on there and complete it with a giant light show.

No wonder why libs want open boarders... To steal property more easily.

I agree. It’s pretty smart. If they lose in court they just declare bankruptcy and give back the scooters and keep whatever money they were already paid.

Since when is it ok for a company to take anyone’s property and demand payment? Even another company’s property? Since companies are private entities, it would be the same if someone confiscated your car and demanded payment for you to have it back. Last time I checked, only government entities can do this. Or, Banks

No one to root for? How about you root for the law? The same law can affect your life, as much as it affects Bird and Lime.

I’m here thinking why don’t the poor contribute to anything. So many systems for them to benefit and for me, the working, self sufficient person, needs to be punished. 

That’s what I said when I read Notre Dame university donated $100,000. Either way, how much are YOU giving to ANYONE? 

LOL. Why don’t you look at some rich people’s tax returns and some so called “Generous” tax returns at their charity expenses...

Talk to Elon Musk about Flint. 

America does enough by giving churches tax free land. 

Anyway, those 3 churches are probably worth $30K. How much are you going to donate Mr. generosity?