
Does it matter how rare or exotic it is? Bitcoin is even more invaluable and yet it was trading for more than twice an old 911 in 1998. My point is, if someone owns something they’re not willing to part with for X amount and you want something you’re willing to buy for X amount, that’s the value.

According to this inflation calculator thats equivalent to 20K today. Not exactly a Miura, which was 20K back then.

Whats the point of setting records if they’re not marketing the shit out of it? 

It’s not like she died. In NJ people murder people and get less than 10 years in jail. That’s way worse than this. 

Being that you refer to a “Native” as “Indigenous” I totally believe you.

Because a virgin can’t be a sex offender. He never penetrated so it doesn’t count. Don’t be mad at him about it, be mad about how the law was written. 

Instead of 12 hours it should be a whole week and comes once a month...

Whose to say he didn’t want 3 pedals but the corporation he works for told him otherwise?

To be fair, there are generic people haulers that are actually fun to drive, and there are high performance cars that put out amazing numbers but are boring to drive.

Meanwhile at the Navy

I find it ironic that gaming chairs are modeled after the most uncomfortable chairs in the world, Sport-car chairs.

Look at you go. At least I’m not the only one you’re having hissy-bitch-fits with over a child in a vending machine LOL, get a life, go outside, take on a hobby. Oh, is bitching on the internet your hobby? LOL, lifeless loser. Do something. 

Companies charging too much inst theft. You’re more stupid than I originally thought. Thanks to capitalism you can choose a competing company that offers better prices. Oh, you already voted to destroy capitalism and socialize health cared? LOL, well that’s not my problem at all then...

LOL, angry much? I made 1 comment about regular business practice and suddenly your hoping my personal housing gets infiltrated by hungry people? Or maybe this is how liberals think, that people with stuff should give it all up to those without stuff. Whatever man, you’re clearly illogical. 

Insurance companies factor in payout costs to their bottom line. It’d be ignorant to do business expecting zero payout expenses. The only way this will end up hitting other’s insured is if there’s a sudden influx of pilfering children in vending machines; like how hurricane Katrina raised insurance costs in the north

Brooooooo, SKYBOX! 

Drive it? lol, some buyers don’t even take delivery. A Ferrari coach shop near me has a La Ferrari sitting in the show room. A customer bought it, test drove it, and left it there for storage... For 3 years. 

Out of 100 cars that leaves 20 cars that will be driven more than 100 miles a year. I think you’re overestimating how many buyers will drive their investments.

Damn, 50k is a bargain for that car!

M father had one, he was constantly getting compliments from people in love with the car.  You underestimate how many people love that car.