
And conspiracies like this, being spread by the oppressors ironically, are what solidifies it. It’s not a symbol until everyone recognizes it as such, and the media spreading the false narrative is what gives it meaning. It already happened with Pepe the frog and we all know the Swastika had a historical meaning too.  

Hilarious. We are in an age when a female, Mexican, Jew is being accused of white supremacy. All because she is related to the Trump Administration. Do you people even hear yourselves? 

I think they should make electric focused sub brands with 1 or 2 models. That way each company can keep doing what they’re doing and let their new brand make electric cars. 


No, she should just say she does it because she like to and everyone else should go fuck off. That’s what I would say. 

That’d still be pretty fun. 

Yes we shouldn’t live today because sometimes in the future, either February or 100 years from now or 1 thousand years, or 5 billion years from now humanity won’t exist.

Nice! This game has super interesting historically accurate elements in it that I'll never notice. 

After reading this I’ve realized Corvette buyers are a lot like Harley Davidson buyers and Chevy is basically saving themselves from what happened to Hog. 

An SS is like 40K. Isn’t that reasonable? 

He also said V8.

Can we talk about Red Bull’s engine exploding? Didn’t they switch to Honda, the engines that were exploding in McLaren? I guess that never got worked out. 

Maybe they just don’t want to openly accuse one of the 15 people they were with of theft. 

That’s peanuts compared to the cost of letting terrorists run rampant around the world. How many more 9/11's are you willing to see in exchange for your rebuilt everything? You seem to think that 4 trillion dollars went up in smoke and did nothing for the world. Do you need to see another bus explode, child tortured,

Something tells me their cycles are matched! 

If there is a problem at all, and I’m not saying it is a problem; it’s that homosexual relationships may be becoming too cliche in storytelling. It’s no longer a daring move to make gay relationships in video games, nor is it creative to do so either. This will end up doing more for pornographic fantasies than anything

There are no straight women in Overwatch, And all the men are murderous Prudes. Because Overwatch is Californian. .

A statue of Megaman doing the scissor is worth more than its weight in gold. The future is here and it sucks. 

Um, this has nothing to do about the Mets. Why would you be talking about the Mets., who you hate, in a place that has nothing to do with the team? You must really really be really passionate about your hatred for the Mets.