
Body shaming in 2018... Oh, that only applies to women. 

Wheres the Elhigh comment so I can star it? 

Me- Electric cars don’t have transmissions.

Elon! We redeem you if you go retro!

Hmm, I think I’d like to see Mr. Flart doing a commercial ad for an insurance company. 

The kind of person the eats at McDonalds and expects a gourmet meal free of flatulence .

So. Much. Menstruation.

GM went under because of all those benefits. What do you think 30 years of accumulation of retired workers gets you on top of overhead expenses? It gets you bankrupt. Here’s to 10 years from now another stupid Democrat President buying Amazon out of debt to maintain the worker pensions

Awe look at the libs sticking their hands in other peoples pockets. So unwilling to make an earning for themselves. How petty! 

That’s not how wealth works... Why don’t you do what made him rich... Own Amazon Stock. 

He looks old. That’s kinda normal for an old person...

yeah, good thing China doesn’t share the liability lawsuits we do in America or maybe he could’ve played here. 

Who is liable if a player dies on the court in front of national television with full knowledge from the NBA of his disease? Even if the player is aware of the risks the NBA is still liable and will need to publicly answer for a players death.

If Walmart had a position requiring workers to eat a half pound of sugar then yeah. This is a basketball player who can die from playing basketball... Needless to say, it’s kinda different.

Pretty sure the problem is liability. Who is liable if a player dies on the court in front of national television with full knowledge from the NBA of his disease? Even if the player is aware of the risks the NBA is still liable and will need to publicly answer for a players death. And then there are the lawsuits.

Am I already banned? 

You mean the outing of that the Russian Dossier that started the Mueller investigation was a crop of lies implanted by intelligence agencies all on Hillary Clinton’s dime? Oh boy are you in for a rude awakening if you think that’s a Trump shit storm.

Can you tell me how many lives are taken by guns each year? Now tell me how many lives are saved by guns in self defense each year... You probably wont answer me to preserve your ignorance.  

Have you ever watched the ID channel? 

Every crime committed by an undocumented immigrant is an avoidable crime by the sense that if that person didn’t have access to entering our country, Mollie would still be alive.