
Maybe they shouldn’t act like little assholes and post in the correct forums and also not act like shitlord when a patch for a different issue has been posted.

They didn’t even need to answer their tweet at all then, did they? 

Ok, sorry I said companies should treat paying customers with respect. Maybe banks should just snark at customers when they ask why their account balance is negative $30. “Oh, because you spent $30 more than you had”. Yeah, your idea of the world seems totally rational.

Well I checked Blizzards twitter and another user just asked the same question. “When will I be able to log in”. You can approve or disapprove whatever you want. It won’t change the fact Blizz isn’t doing much about their poor communication. They have a thread about known issues. Problems with logging in is NOT NOT

I’m sorry I believe in not asking employees to suffer abuse at the hands of customers without any response

Sure, keep defending dicks for being dicks I guess? Sorry I believe in professionalism in the corporate setting. Anyone who says it’s okay to treat a paying customer with snark has no idea what professionalism is. 

Anyone who answers a yes or no answer with anything other than yes or no is  deliberately obtuse and intellectually disingenuous. 

Has WOW ever communicated at the very least that other bugs are known about and being worked on?

Has WOW ever communicated at the very least that other bugs are known about and being worked on? If your answer is no then your response is irrelevant, invalid, null, and void

I don’t believe there’s a city in America with great public transportation. They’re all run by unions...

Stop making excuses for the stupidly irresponsible. 

because this country requires car ownership that many can’t quite afford.

How exactly is this unacceptable? It’s not like WOW communicated at all prior to their snark tweet that they’re working on the other problems. For players with problems logging in they could’ve felt 100% ignored. 

Oh look one of the gaming bitches chiming in. lol, This is exactly my point. WOW should know how to commuinicate what they’re working on by now. Rare is a tiny little ant compared to Activision. Yet, Rare is far more mature. Funny how that’s parallel to our conversation. you being very immature...

Every week Sea of Thieves gets updated. Every week they release patch notes. At the end of the patch notes is a list of known issues. Rare has probably dealt with the most bitching in the industry this year and has not been the least bit snarky with anyone

Good argument. And for stupid people I mean, how fucking lazy are you to make a point and provide zero of anything to back yourself up. 

Counterpoint, large single exhausts are the coolest.

Totally nothing to do with the background. Also, where I live in America guns are nearly banned. 

Deadspin, the twitter for athletic bullies. 

Wait, so how are your saying athletes should act?