
White guy here... I have black friends, black co-workers, black business associates, and black family members. Nope, not ever, not joking, not serious, not when angry, not when happy, barely when trying to tell other white people not to say that shit around me, and even skip over it when singing along with music at

The Dancing Wu Li Masters would understand this post.

Using the first definition from a quick google search, is what a 12 year old would use for their first English paper of the year... How about a little more nuance?

Damn, when you dial into someone, you really nail them to the wall.

Doesn’t it seem odd that Nike keeps getting associated with systemic PED use/abuse... but I am sure it’s just a conincidence.

Ok, so people who panhandle should be followed and shamed? No, that can’t be right. People who panhandle, should be followed to ensure they are properly vetted, and actually in need of panhandling? No, that too seems to have issues. hmmm. Maybe people ask for money for lots of reasons. Sure, getting a job and

“sentenced to one year and one day in the custody of the Department of Youth Services, including time served, plus six months at a mental-health facility for issues including post-traumatic stress disorder.”

I still have little “divots” in my shins from a few years of being a goalie in high school and pick up in door lacrosse . Thigh shots didn’t hurt 1/4 as bad as shins and arms.

Here first? WOW.

I wonder if the amount of people that ride motorcycles that weekend has an effect on the numbers?

You know, if almost any other country was getting all high and mighty about a person that was caught doping, I’d be on board... But this is France. I mean come on, almost 200 dopers arrive at the end of june to race in the Tour De France? And ok, maybe only 80% are on the juice, but you get my point.

Don’t point a gun at a cop. Your not in a movie... You are going to be shot and probably killed.

During the season, OV blocked a couple of shots with his ankle... I wouldn’t be surprised if that was the issue.

To my grays.... haha. Whoosh!

I will concede, your unwarranted, kneejerk aversion to octogenarian drivers has some merit, but you should know that you are wrong, there is enough information in the article to assign blame. She, sadly, drove into the rear of the man’s car. She, is to blame.

Current 9-5 owner... Paid $6k for my 07 @ 110k. Took a while to find one with a clean body, everything working (ok, except the recline button for the passenger, but who cares about the passenger), and with a working cup holder. Now, I have broken the cup holder, but everything else is fine. Fun as hell to drive,

Uhmm... as a current 9-5 owner, parts are a plenty, and prices aren’t bad (Rockauto, Europarts, and EBAY)... Though, if you don’t do your own work, you are going to take a bath; if you can even find a mechanic.

You did see that the 87 year was the one rear ended? You did read the article right? The 67 year old rear ended the 87 year old.


Does CO still force beer companies to “water down” their alcohol content? If so, I can think of no better beer to do that to than Old Style, not going to change the taste whatsoever.