
Copperheads are known to do “dry bites”, but that’s why “2" bites with no venom is odd. I say no venom, cause the guy said he got bit on the ankle and he is out of the hospital already. Now, copperhead venom isn’t the worst out there, but you would expect the area around the bite to be fairly jammed up for a while.

Black Rat Snake came to mind almost immediately... They get snuffed out all the time after being mistaken for copperheads.

Two bites and no venom?? I could get on board with one bite with no venom (especially on something the snake didn’t think it could eat), but two bites without getting venom. Something sounds a little off about this story?

THEY SHOULD HAVE RESTED THEIR TEAM AT THE END OF THE SEASON... Not the last three games but with 15 to go... they went after f-ing records. YOU PLAY THE SEASON TO GET TO THE PLAYOFFS. Presidents Trophy? You going to hang a banner saying that? fml.

I bought a 100k 07 9-5 in November... Check all your vacuum lines. I replaced all mine with silicone (they were all perished). is a great resource for info, though its doesn’t seem to be the most welcoming forum out there. has also been helpful with miscellaneous parts/lines.

It kills me to CP this XJ. at $5500-$7k, with a full inspection of the rockers (and finding no rust), I’d probably be all NP no problem. People on the East Coast tend to think that these manuals are rare, but if you look on the west coast they are somewhat abundant (check CL in Washington and Oregon). Granted this one

uhmm... or $75k + less.


Look dude... I would chalk it up to dyslexia. I have been putting p’s where b’s should go since birth. Glad that now it makes me dump.

So everybody’s got a gun, except the Asian dude, who does martial arts and uses a staff... Really? Disney, really.

I don’t know about you... But I am uncomfortable with people calling 23 year old men, boy. Is that just me? When I was younger, I can remember people fighting over shit like that... Maybe that’s changed??

Ok... I read it all and I am still laughing.

All i now, taling is cool... Side chick pics on the gram, also cool... Burger King sale hot dog dudes... Man, that not cool.

Man, I always loved bringing my XJ out around guys in $60k rigs... Not only could I go farther with less worry than them, my rig could go farther... I built mine as well. Though I have now moved to a TJ, I still miss my XJ. Everyday it crosses my mind to pick up another one. Always stoked to see your posts. Also, that

RG3 should not be teaching children how to slide.

I clicked on this story to see some pics of the van... Leaving disappointed. :(

Not sure how that happened?? The first sentence was the second sentence... It was supposed to be, “so Jeep Wrangler “Raptor”? Well, it doesn’t look like it has much room for articulation?” I must have done something screwy with my mouse.

Well, it doesn’t look like it has much room for articulation? So, Jeep Wrangler “Raptor”?

O’ this... this gets a star.