
Not to pile on, but dude, are you still in school or something? Most working professionals, especially who travel frequently, are dying for something light and powerful. Our work pc's are anchors and our tablets are not business friendly. Have you ever had a work lunch with three PC's working on a presentation; it

What do you mean? We should be concerned about our security on the internet? So I should not have used my real name, my real location, my real twitter account, and used the same password to log into my bank account for Giz? Sounds like I need to get some protection...

if this thing works, I bet my company (and tons of other companies) buys the hell out of um... With my company, we have lots of travel and lots of "in the field" work. Having a cross-functional device would be sweet; not to mention lugging around 6 lbs of cpu to answer emails and review pdfs and excel files from

well, if she is hot, it is a no brainer... if it is a dude, bad breath is = to "I'M out:

if you don't know... you better ask

damn it! Good call. Buddy, who is the idiot now.

I would never buy something that looks broken when brand new...

Well, wouldn't it me more likely that they put out a tablet designed for work that play? With outlook email, docs, IE, excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint built in, my company might be willing drop a $300 to $400 dollars to give to employees one, at least to those who travel regularly or work outside of the office

I can think of nothing heavier than an airplane

Alright... Another solid point. Though, would you continue to go to a doctor who you think has bad breath? If you think that "giz" has bad breath, why do you still show up to read the stories. If you enjoy the content, and you don't mind the occasional rant about Apple or Microsoft, video that later turns out to be

Haha... that'a not how you get a star there killer. Say something funny or insightful. . Complaining about corrections, no star...

Actually the pitchman is a good example... if you don't like the person or the product, why are you here?

Solid point, however, if I am watching a PowerPoint presentation on a top secret spy plane autonomously landing after spending a year and a half in space doing god knows what for entertainment purposes, I am not going to worry too much about an extra "of" in the presentation.

So you are relating grammatical errors on a blog site, where people read content to be entertained, to a doctor potentially killing one of her patients during surgery? Really? I would say that it is more like, the administrative assistant at a doctor’s office making the coffee too strong one morning. The goal, I

You know, I once posted a correction in the comments... The initial joy faded, and then I felt sad and alone. I came to realize, that rather than stating an insightful, funny, or poignant comment, I showered the world with my useless, pathetic, and asinine ability to critique incidental mistakes of others at their

what ATM has $1.5 mill in it? Had to be some type of electronic transfer system or that printed cashiers checks?

locked-in syndrome, that's nasty. Very lucky to be able to move his eyes, otherwise, he would have no ablilty to communicate. Seriously, thank you technology and those who create it.

I know a lot of people who use them for inventory and work... I just can't see them being used for a recreational activity; movies, games, read the news, ect. Useful for work, absolutely. Does it make me laugh my ass off when I see it, yes.

I imagine that you would need something like this to use that monster?

She is cute... Sam, well done sir, well done.