
Horary! 650 people out of work and higher costs for what was infact meat, that didn’t actually get you sick, it just sounded bad!! Of yeah, and now 1.5 million more cows will have to be slaughtered, oh shit and raised, won’t they need to drink millions more gallons of water, and they will fart methane, and increase

I wonder if they thought about the fact that people were "remembering" things they enjoyed or were proud of... If I was asked whether I liked pizza. Wow, I would think about all the great pizza's I have had, all the crazy places I have eaten pizza, in the kitchen, on the patio, my parents’ house, that elevator in

funny here in the US, we train them to get us beer, "Here we-go!"

Don't really believe this but.. if they did it, they could let apps open in their currect aspect ratio, this would live an area at the top or bottom of the screen which could be used for updates, gesture controls, app selection, ect... this would be sweet. New apps could be designed to utilize the entire screen, but

*No bees were harmed in the writing of this article, however, one bee got jacked the F up to take that picture.

petrochemicals, I was in the middle of a fairly long response but decided to chop it and just say this... If you think that the people seaching for bomb making material should not get arrested, that is dumb. If you think that people searching for bomb making material should not be investigated by the FBI (or some

Or when people go looking for things that go "boom" concerned citizens turn them in to the FBI or the FBI finds them... It is somewhat foolish to think that the FBI is a terrorist group. "Five idiots" with explosives can do just as much damage as 12 dumbasses with box cutters. If you are out there, professing that

who the, what the, ok... I need to know what the rims originally looked like! If the pictures are an accurate reflection of the rims, I wanna know what A-hole would put those on a harley!

You said want I wanted to say, but far better... I got sacrastic instead of making an actual point. Therefore sir, I commend and thank you.

Shocking, Gizmodo new news flash, "We live in a world of hypocrites and assholes." As a straight dude, I hope that my gay brothers go out there and fuck all the hypocrites and assholes ;)(Please know that I do demand that all sexual relationships be consensual). Seriously, we will probably never be able to end

do you think that they are brainwashed or scared shitless, since every person that says something/anything that might be construed as against the "Dear Leader" goes into a concentration camp? People get brainwashed when they stop listening to their own rational mind and let someone else do the thinking… Scared


lol... I oversee over 220 managers, 1500+ employees... I train "low skilled workers" to be, better. I have friends on "pay-cations". college educated $100k people living off the system... daily i see people who work 3 jobs, working 70 plus hours a week... living a life I once knew. it is not the people, but the

well, according to my penny, it's god... but I only got two of them.:)

Hey, I am a boot strap guy... Paid for college on my own (still paying). I was also a college dropout, who bartended, and then spent 5 years working and going to school full time. Now I have a MBA from an actual university in Econ and Management. I know the people you are speaking about; I once offered a promotion

Ohh.. and by the way, about 1 in 9 americans is self employed... that is not lazy. That is drive and ambition.

hmmm, "bunch of american twats who have no interest in learning their job" really? You sir, are an ass.

Distribution increases prices, so even if they arrive in the Sudan or Ethiopia they are too expensive to buy. Look at North Korea, they tried to bring in giant german bunnies to solve their food issues (ok their food shortage could be solved by not building giant roman candles that are lite and thrown into the sea)…

you know... if they put a hard plastic shell along the bottom and on the sides where the fins connect, it would not be a bad toy... I ended up using duct tape to try and get everything to stay connected to the balloon... through off the weight but worked for a while. Last time I babysat, i threw away the balloons and