
Ticketmaster has actually created a pretty good way for Season Ticket Holders to sell their E-tickets.... they verify the tickets, delete the original bar code, creates a new bar code, and then posts them to be sold at the price dictated by the seller (and complies with the state law on reselling).

these are the types of posts that keep me coming to Giz... Thank you sir.

I will check them out... thanks!

Wow... Great tip. Thanks for being an ass, I really appreciate it! Can't say how much it means to me to get such shitty advice, actually maybe I can... Sucks. Yep, it really sucks. lol...

Have these been released or reviewed yet? I have been looking for months for a way to ride my mountain bike and listen to music, safely...

hmmm... for some reason when Dr G (as his friends know him) was using Chinese convicts to make human models, I was really offended and disgusted. Now that the good doctor is making models out of endangered species.... I don’t really have a problem with it; you know god's creatures and all.

"intent to ... offend, to use a ANY ELECTRONIC.. DEVICE and use any obscene, lewd or profane language or suggest any lewd or lascivious act...";

"It's first dangerous mission..." And you are in a unique position to confirm or disconfirm that suspicion...

It has been a while since I have done this but... slice up a Habanero pepper (careful with your eyes; throw on glasses if you are not comfortable with a knife and how to hold your face to prevent spray... and if you tend to touch your eyes a lot, wear gloves) and crush a garlic clove and put them in your EVOO with 6

Great post! Best on Giz in quite a while.

North Korea has just fired the first salvo of many in the first ever Giant Titanium Pellet Slingshot War, after Joerg Sprave said Kim Jong Un's "Credit card was declined" and that he "would not accept giant rabbits as pay for a brand new titanium slingshot..." but that Kim could "ask his daddy to buy him one."


{finger pointing} "Andrew, Andrew... Andrew, did you you post a stupid video of a fly at an airshow, call it a UFO, hoping to get a bunch of clicks, and then be able to brag to JD about how you are as slick as he is?"

i am still amused by how many people got worked up over this... it was on youtube for goodness sakes!

Sam, well done. Way to "bird dog" this one...

Hmmm... is the next bout gonna be in Vegas? With over 280,000 views and hundreds of comments (over 700), the Diaz vs Biddle Post and then use Actual Experts to Debunk Original Post was great!

the weight of it... if a 5 foot 100 lb woman can hold it up, it must be not be very heavy. By supporting the drive system in the video, they make future videos seem plausable.

watch the support video from the Hyneman Update. The woman is not actually holding the drive system. At 1:17 to 1:21 (and then again at 1:30) she adjusts her grip and the unit does not really move. it seems to be supported by something that keeps it horizontally stable... either she is a bodybuilder or has the back

Absolutely.... and I will not buy any new blu rays that do not contain a digital copy... now, if I could just get my dog to stop eating blu ray disks...

WTF Jamie? did you go on a coke bender? you've posted, what 5 articles already today?