
Nokia............................ nope can't think of anything to say!!!


So please my girlfriend does not come on gizmodo.... I'm so going to steal that idea for next year.

great idea........ just have to convince Steve Jobs, as it would work so much better with os x that with win 7

Good contraption, shit video!!!

why did O2 unlock the phone for you?

Most people that keep emails from old relationships shouldn't be trusted, who hangs onto these emails??

Thats such a small number of people!! that should not let germany have access to any google services.. they would soon change their minds.

What if it has a built in mute option when the phone rings?

yep, i did and stopped myself mid yawn!!


And yet the US army still manage to hit the wrong people, ie us brits... friendly fire my arse!!

I was thinking just the same thing... wish i had thought of this!! well i did quite a few years ago but was just too lazy to do anything about it

I love David Bowie..... he used to live down the road from me in Beckenham, will be downloading this as soon as its ready

This is fantastic... wish we had made stuff this cool when i was at school/uni

I want one now... this is fantastic

satan and god are not real..... in my eyes they fall into the same category as santa and the tooth fairy and those bastards have cost me a fortune over the years.

CD What?

He was probably playing on facebook.........