
He should submit it to that Mitsuoka company - the ones that makes that ugly fish Camry supercar. They'll prolly build it.

@SEXYHAMMER: haha, I just watched this one a few days ago.

How about make those accoutable who approve unsafe and ill prepared projects that can result in disasters like these.

These vampires don't fuck around you know!

Gimme a lightweight and simple wagon any day over bloated and cramped crossovers or suvs.

88-91 Honda Civic Si - cheaper than a CRX but not much different, and easier to find unmolested.

Suzuki Swift GTi- great power to weight ratio, easy to work on, cheap to buy, lightweight, and looks half decent

@Wolfy Kovac: I just know EVERYTHING that's car related ;)

Was that Jim Sikes behind the wheel? I think he was trying to reach the brake pedal with his hand again.

There's a second one of these in Guatemala I heard

Reminds me of the Olympics here in Vancouver. Most of the protesters were nothing more than malcontents whining about everything while getting social handouts and demanding free housing on the most expensive real estate found in the area. Instead of hard work, their way of moving ahead in life is by throwing group

He probably replied to this Craigslist ad:

@Devryn: Agree - in both IE and Firefox :(

Look at her! She's from the futcha!

Nothing special here that already hasn't been done by other companies like smart, Toyota, or even Tata.

And to convert speed:

Lexus's response will be to tether the gas cap with a zip tie.

@MifuneT: Totally agree. They should just voluntairly blow them up and go back to the drawing boards.