
And any Mercedes S Class grille has to come at a close second to the Rolls Royce grille as most recongizeable and best looking.

RR grille is classic and timeless and it defines every Rolls Royce. It also has to be one of the most recognizeable grilles ever!

The owner will have to make do with this 1st gen Tiburon inspired replica sporty car while the Lambo is in the shop.

Ugh, ugly looking in a 90s Hyundai kinda way.

Looks more like footage from Richmond BC Canada, than China.

Must be related to this guy ^

@Hart88: but not likely a Mini.

Undercover, Highland Green, 1968 Ford Mustang GT, with one Frank Bullitt behind the wheel.

The armor made it so heavy that no amount of revving, wheel and spinner spinning, and smoke blowing will move this beast. At least there's a bit of power to rotate the plate.

@Hart88: I highly doubt it unless you're talking abour poseurs who know nothing about cars. But even those people wouldn't buy a Mini over a Porsche because they need a car to show off in.

@Hart88: Okay but people in the market for a Porsche aren't really counting their pennies and won't decide to buy a Mini just because it might perform similairly to a Porsche on the track.

It's all fine and dandy as long as you don't mind looking like a geek driving one of these nerd-mobiles. I will give the guy props for squezzing that kind of fuel economy out of the car though.

It will go well alongside a Civic bodied WRX.

No good deed goes unpunished.

Owners who daydream and brag that they're going to put this and that in their (10+ year old) car and make it the fastest __________(insert make/model here) around.

Entitlement issues? I'm so fucking special I can do whatever I want and interpret the rules my way. If anyone disagrees I'll sue!

@arozzi: It's a G35 sedan, not an Avalon.

That was a worthwhile trip. Everyone should do a trip like this once in their lifetime.

He should have pulled out the parking sign if the concrete was still wet, and kept it as evidence for his court date.