I'm not a big fan of the new palsticy grille covers that rattle like crazy when you tap them. Looks too soft.
"Our data is delivered in real time" so if you're checking accident history while you're driving and get into an accident yourself because you were texting , we will instantly tell you that you were in an accident. That's how real time we are.
VW Phaeton or an Audi A8 - understated luxury
@Buster Brew: "Out of my way everyone, I am a motorist!"
Toyota to wookie: "These are not the accelerator pedals you're looking for."
@Critique_: More like a pregnant Corvette
That was a wrecked Grand Am? I thought that was Pontiac's upcoming 2015 Grand Am before the brand got axed.
@vdiddy210 - 4 Wheel Drifted a Power Wagon: I think there was a few made - google "ferrari wagon"
Haha, funny but true. Typical kids on forums think they know it all because:
Haha very ironic.
Once our oil supply runs out (or leaks into the oceans), this is what we'll all be driving. Not that I would mind taking this cool looking bicycle on
He thinks "rubbing is racing"
@illjim: Haham excerati - same thing as a Pontiac Ghoulie (6000LE)