
@Froggmann: the "check gages" idiot light is among the most useless

The nuclear powered cars we were promised are finally here!

He's gotta be friends with this guy. They can sit beside each other, chew tobacco together, and talk about inbreeding.

Does it come with a flight attendant?

Nice simple and clean design. Nice price!

I guess the smug owner (who quickly proclaimed that the two employees were fired) isn't so smug anymore. The Sales manager should have been canned too as they're the ones that have a final sale in any deal and in all the numbers. Any deal not signed off by a sales manager is invalid.

@Aprime: I keep saying the same thing. Yeah the dealer messed up but mostly on selling a demo for new price (although dealers can sell new and demo cars for over sticker), and overcharging her for mop-n-glo. As for the $66k that's how much any $45k car will cost after interest over 9 years.

Very sad.

I jumped from a moving train when I was 12. My buddy and I would regularly hang out at a local rail yard and would regularly climb grain cars as they were parked there for loading. Sometimes the train would move a few hundred feet and we'd hop off. This time it started moving and wouldn't stop. Since I didn't want

I think a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon would be more useful.

It does look creepy

Lol, funny! My son's been practicing already too at 4 months old except he can't reach nothin yet!

At least none of them ordered a Hybrid. Great article!

Win for the dad! Should get a father of the year award.

I like beaters. I had an 84 Accord hatchback back in 03 which was one of my favorite cars I've owned. It was finished in silverfish silver, had 250k miles, manual tranny, dents all over, but it ran. I never bothered locking it and noody would steal it, and I put about 3500 miles on it during 6 months without having

Current Ford Ranger - ughh what a shit box with a rubbermaid interior, noisy engine, slippery plastic floors, outdated platform, cd player with a lcd screen that looks like its from the 80s, column shifter that feels like it'll brake off any second, seats that leave permanent stains when you spill a drop of water,

"Vee are Anarchy 99 - Vee do vat ve vant, ven ve vant and how ve vant -inkluding dumping Rollz Royce Centoorion on zee railroad traks"