
@Straight6er: I believe the Corvair was rear engined (engine sittng behind rear axle).

I think I'll watch Bullit tonight.

Maybe this guy can fix it for cheaper.


Thank you!

I'm still trying to figure out how that M3 drives out onto the street as it appears the house is sitting on a structure of some sort.

@GreenN_Gold: judging by the "A" and "B" pillars and the wheels it is a late 80s Accord hatch or sedan. What a waste of a Corvette rear end. It would have looked better if it was hanging on someone's wall instead of on this monstrocity.

Better enforcement of current laws, and more attention paid to the following offenders:

@Electro Gyrocator: Ultimately it was a dealer who was left caring for the vehicle. The dealer who failed to learn to operate it properly, and who activated something without taking basic precautions, and who pushed the button.

Aside from the uselessness of having remote start on a car in Florida, and the risk of having it in a manual equipped car, this is 100% dealer's fault.

but this has to be the worst ever

kinda gay looking, on par with this porsche

Whatever happened to just wanting normal leather, suede or alcantara? Or even nice cloth?

The price is nice but the car itself looks like a third world crack pipe.

thumbs up!

video is blah - doesn't convey that car's power or speed

For a futuristic car, it looks very 80s with that vinyl interior and crank windows. Anyways like others said it

In related news, American Jim Sikes, who rented a Tata Nano while visiting India, reported being trapped in his Nano, and unable to get out. After fearing the car might catch on fire he called 911 to get help. The operator pleaded with him to pull on the door handles and unlock the door, but he said he thought the