
I’ve had so many different thoughts about that place, but I’d bet that someone squatted in that house for awhile. Possibly years. The house was so well hidden because the paint blended right in with the overgrown surroundings and the giant tree. You could drive right past it and not even know it was there.

Oh my gad this is FREAKY!!!! Do you think it was the old man losing his mind or another person? I’m guessing the old woman died first, she was a doll collector? Maybe there was a squatter in the house who was into bondage, maybe a petty criminal who was doing some fraud and disposed of the evidence? The massive pit, I

Me too! It’s the only way not to spend fifteen, twenty minutes just scrolling down.

She’s a hot mess who for some reason, keeps getting chance after chance. She’s a homophobe and has no problem slinging racial slurs at other musicians. If she was a white dude, she wouldn’t be getting any attention at this point.

I need to restart my computer but won’t as I’ll lose my spot. Frustrating on the phone grrr!!

That experience bothered me for the longest time. I was paranoid that, somehow, something evil had latched on to me- as if I had been permanently stained just by stepping foot into that place. Luckily nothing weird happened after returning home, but I found myself very anxious about it for months.

About five years ago, my husband Adam and I decided that it was finally time to start looking to purchase a house. We had always talked about buying an older, fixer upper home because we’ve had the idea that they hold more charm and character. Plus we can appreciate a place that has it’s own quirks and we love the

You waved? YOU WAVED?! Noooooooooo!

I am trying my hardest to get haunted, maybe the ghosts sense the thirst and are all nah? I didn’t mean to disrespect your friend personally, but I have had experiences with a few who claimed to be sensitive and each was clearly looking for attention.

Gah, these are getting worse the lower down the list I go. The real people hiding in the house ones = terror.

This is my favorite post of the year. I only wish Kinja would make it easier to save my place! I want to read aaaaaallllll the scary stories. I tried keeping the tab open, so I can use a scary story as a reward for working, and it reset the page. The horrors.

Totally lol’ed at the notion of exploiting innocent ghosts!

Dude. DUDE. What is it about studying anthropology in the UK? Getting a bit doxxy, but it’s for the scary stories thread, so...

I’m not a good storyteller and I’m not sure this is scary but here it goes.

You didn’t invite anything to the house. “Whatever” had been living in the garage and you unknowingly communicated with it so now it wanted more. That’s what I got from your story anyway.

Long story short I was laid off from my job and broke up with my live-in boyfriend on the same day. My best friend Rickie and her fiancé let me stay in their detached garage for free, so I moved my whole apartment in there. It was actually pretty cozy except for the plywood and rafters above my head.

Wow. I Feel so bad for that ghost. I mean, it’s awful, but it sounds like it’s sad and angry and scared. Maybe it’s happy to have a granny there with it.

I grew up in a small town on an Indian reservation. Most houses in this town (old rundown project houses) had creepy histories and stories. Some worse than others. One house stood out in particular.

Back in the early 2000s I lived in a brownstone in Park Slope. It was a duplex with one floor of the apartment on the ground floor and the other floor in the basement. My brother and I shared the apartment – I was on the ground floor and his room was in the basement. At first we didn’t notice anything strange but it

iggy azalea has a new album coming out in less than four months