
I think there’s a significant difference between you as a parent disciplining your own child for their behavior and someone else calling them out as “an annoying little pissant”. It’s not wrong to call the child out for their behavior in a respectful manner but no, you don’t call someone else’s child “an annoying

I am the first to admit my 5 year old son can be annoying as fuck. He’s also 5 and probably doesn’t deserve to be insulted — and being called an annoying fuck is, in fact, an insult — by a grown man broadcasting to thousands of people.

Ummm ok? It’s still incredibly inappropriate for someone with no relationship to said child to call them a “pissant” on a regional radio station.

People these days. All these snowflakes go right to their mommy blogs when I correct them on facebook by telling them, “Actually, your kid seems a little ‘cunty’.” Now I’m not welcome at Thanksgiving anymore. Did I make a big deal about it when their kid had an allergic reaction at my Super Bowl party? No. I told them

I don’t see how Tom Izzo survives this

I never realized that move had a name. How come no one called it “hustle personified” when Draymond did it?

I love how convinced the announcers are that it was inadvertent.

Well, it’s accurate.

“Green doesn’t even have a good reason to be mad at Windhorst”

Here he is a paid event for RT (Russia Today) sitting next to Putin. He failed to disclose this payment to the US Army, per requirements.

Here’s what he should have done: Disclosed it to Mike Pence. At the very least.

He lied to the VP. He admitted to lying to the VP. That is probable cause.

This has NOTHING to do with what a Russian official would do. This has everything to do with what an American official did do: Namely, talk about it and lie to the Vice President about it. Again. Probable cause for an investigation.

I don’t understand why people like you don’t want an investigation. Don’t you want to

Thanks for linking me to “the blaze”. Nothing says no evidence of collusion like firing your National Security Adviser for colluding with the Russians. We know that Russia has goals to influence foreign elections through funding, hacking, and dissemination of fake news, confirmed by CIA, FBI, and NSA. Now we have 18

1. No one can take you seriously if you keep misspelling collusion. And everyone laughs extra hard at you when you put it in quotes.

Elaborate without using the words and phrases, ‘deep state’, ‘Illuminati’, or ‘comet ping pong’ GO!

Democrats views on this: Republicans killed him to distract from all the trump shit.

no kidding - that is even more nuts and makes no sense. BUT, it gives me a great idea - lets identify everyone who has died that Trump as ever known and come up with tenuous connections.

What Democrat is pushing that Seth Rich was killed by Republicans to distract from Trump?

This is such an obvious ploy from the right. We are getting close to exposing the Trump regime so they roll out a new conspiracy theory to clog up right wing news outlets. We even directly have the Russian’s blatantly getting in on it.