
You talking about graphics? Yet you’re talking about consoles? Lmao, what a joke.

Before AK, I had not pre-ordered anything since 2011. The only reason I pre-ordered is because it was 40% off GMG... but I haven’t played it cause I knew that it was gonna be buggy as hell.

That old Chinese lady part would make an awesome ad.

Never question the devs courting you. Just sit down, shut up, and open wide for whatever they wanna stick down your throat - like a good customer would.

Quit crying.

If someone’s spending that much on something a bit more powerful than a console, then they have no idea what the fuck they’re doing. Just look up “Potato Masher” on Youtube to see a PC that is $350 and better than the consoles. Like I always say; console gamers have no business talking about PC gaming hardware... lmao.

Isn’t this a reflection of the problems with making anime/manga (underpaid, extremely small number of people working, deadlines, etc.)? I dropped anime and manga a long time ago, mostly for these same reasons; I got tired of the same dumb tropes still being done for decades, and the generic look. It’s literally a

There is such a thing as body types, shape of skull, facial features, hair lines, etc. In modern Western comics, artists who can’t make such distinctions are usually criticized for it. Anime/Manga on average does have lower standards though; but it’s semi-understandable considering how they’re made.

I liked the Mancubus but I prefer his older face, it just looks creepy. But still a step up from Doom 3. I think the older versions look less like animals/brutes, and more like actual demons with some intelligence. The same with the other monsters.

I was talking more about the actual music being in your face. But yeah that limb-slapping part was pretty cool.

Definitely, I thought the same thing. However, I personally can’t get over the fact that they decided to keep the generic alien look for the Hell Knight from Doom 3... it’s so lame. At least the Revenant looked awesome.

Brutal Doom did it first

I criticize the look. I loved the traditional demon look the enemies had in the first two games. After Doom 3 they started to look more like generic aliens (just compare the Hell Knights).

I still prefer the look of the demons in the first two Dooms. The Hell Knights specially looked and sounded better before. I’m disappointing they went for the more alien Doom 3 look.

The event is not about who is the best player at which specific game (although I bet they would blow you out in Smash), it’s about who can adapt the best to what is thrown at them. They didnt’ know what they were playing until they got there.

The show was awesome. Who cares if they sucked at some of the games? The drama of competition is still there. Plus they don’t know what they’re gonna be playing.

I was thinking while watching it; they should’ve had this game set in the same universe as the Metroid games at the very least.

He kept falling off the stage right after spawning lmao. But hey, at least he had the balls to show us how bad he was at the game.

Yeah he did come off as a dick. He told him “YOU SUCKED” like a douche, before he got hit by the 16 hour comment.