
Tonight is gunna be a stream night for me!!! So im finally finishing AC1 and getting back into Xenoblades and some more time on the final Splatfest!!! But Saturday is a clean and pickup day for me because my daughters birthday is this Sunday and we are going to have a tiny armada of baby’s and kiddos in my place....

I will be at Tyler Zoo in Texas with my kids and a family friends’ kid also for most of the weekend. But yesterdayIi did finish building my gaming den/guest room now. I have every console dated from now all the way back to NES all setup now on 1080p on my TV so if there is any chill games anyone wants to recommend

Back then on my PS2 i used to play xenosaga 1 but there where some areas that glitched out and my PS2 would freeze up on. So after reading up on these forums from game faq’s at the age of 12 I found out the most people use a Action Replay to get unlimited health so that the OP bosses don’t make the game last too long.

..... i am not ok with the first one.... that bastard doesn’t deserve our jar baby!!!

Man people are going to lose there minds if they ever shut down DC Universe online....... I still pop it open here and there and pick up my free sets and do some holiday evens from time to time. Hell even the new raids they are are fun and easy not to mention the raid only takes like 30 min to do.  Also the fact its

Bro i hope everything makes a turn for the brighter side of things for you and your sister. But I understand the MMO coop method all too well. My issue is finding people I like or want to befriend when i was going through alot of trauma as the last child of a damaged and broken family. MMO’s were my get away but then

I will say the team that keeps EQ1 alive has admitted that it is now only for oldschool fans and people wanting to learn about the world of Norrath and even when a new exp pack comes out its litterly funded off the old money they have gotten from the original game and they even stated they can keep the servers up for

I have a couple of my buddies coming over to my house to all play risk of rain 2 together and for us to catch up on some animu a bit too. But this Sunday im headed out to a jump building birthday party with my kids..... i feel like im going to break my leg or something ....

This game sadly went the same route as TERA. Micro transaction’s that rule the game. Plus litterly just porting over older version’s of the game while saying the (Events will be the same time). A game that on PC has more players and events and even more class’s and elite skill’s then on console just remove all of

I dont see this ending well for this guy. I mean the team worked with the free SKSE code and are making a multiplayer mod of the game without there permission. Back then as a kid i used to find small mods that let me do this with a friend but it never cost money back then. But for someone to charge money for another

As well put together this is i will point out. This is not a Battle pass system. This is for the people that were seeing a end to the daily/weekly login needs. It was getting to the point people would only play warframe on the weekend or late afternoon and DE knew this so to add more playablitly and give the low lvl

It great to see a company take the step up progress in a game like this with out jumping the gun so hard. This is moving in the right direction but the only thing we need now is enough support for a game like this to show its 3rd release on a next gen console with better graphic’s and a new title and combat gimmick

i still wana see BlitzBall really bad. Like the can hire on a full team and mange them or play with our friends and control them. I can see it work out great now with all this under water works now.or some airship on airship combat. But glad to see all these additions.

What worse about all of this is the fact that this is more on EA than the build Bioware was originally pushing. Alot of the games EA works on has a very large render rate witch is great during gameplay but if there not utilizing POV rendering then there throwing away better load times and faster gameplay. Planetside

Now playing

Honestly hardest game for me to push myself through and to not freak out over the random AI spawns and odd locations of turrets was Forsaken 64!!! It was one of the first full axis games on the N64 that had zero gravity and never held back. You would float into a room were you see maybe one or two turrets. Shoot one an

Sadly if a game is not created in 4K then its not a 4K game... its just stretched out to 4K and sharpened.... The game has to be rendered in 4K like every item, like in Mass Effect Andromeda. That game is made in 4K and rendered in 4K so that even the smallest items have a 4K resolution mapped for there skin... not a

When people see free fallout 76 and also have cellphone....

im just gunn leave this right here UWU

Seeing EPIC pull this shit is not the worst thing we’ve seen. I mean i dont really care about were the game comes from.... just as long as it dosn’t break the bank an di can still play it with or without my friends. The only thing i dont like about all this is having to add more launchers to my PC to keep enjoying the

Blind people can get really far in life. I know when i used to play smash melee for the regional’s one of my mom’s students that is blind and stupid good a playing bass was as the event for the sign ups on the first season. I made it to 54th place and he was still there just smiling in the back of the room with his mom