
As much as a PSO fan i am i just wanted to point out there is a hard working team of people that do there very best to make sure you have a great gaming experience with there work on dubing over everything from jap on here. it has everything you need to enjoy the game without the need of VPN to

I played as a male elf and .... boy did i have to fight off going for bull........ like all tho puns and jokes and always being your drinking buddy made him top tier wifu/mafu material but i wanted to see how i could mess up the chantery but hooking up with Casandra and she kept it a secret.... i was upset but seeing

If yall ever find any of my old bumble bee systems let me know..... I worked for VRGlobal before they were bought out by our parent company VRworld and i haven’t ever seen then steal my old setup. Took me and my dad a year to build and we still have the only of I know of. The build was a old windows XP PC in the back

no thats a single project only sadly

While Gamercat is out we should bring back the old VG cats!!! I loved them. Also Awkward Zombie gets a 10-10 this week....... side note in MH 3 on the Wii U there was a old glitch that made you loose your piggy.... i cried when i walked around with him all the time and then poof he glitched outside and was eaten...... 

Twitch is finally going to act upon the EULA that they put in ages ago...... its about GD time .... they going to have to shut down about 25% of the channels now.

Thats prob EQ2 you could store stuff, craft items, hold party’s, keep a tone of pets and play with them too and decorate ever single inch of that place and even bank and hold brokers all within your house...... but it got to the point were you were better off staying at your guild home after awhile because it was like

More than making this a matter of what is considered a deplorable thing on how they depict themselves on twitch to get more viewers we should show the point that no one reports or just out right bans these people from your channel or even.... just report them to make Twitch a better place for everyone. Just remember

Seen someone do this a while back... i own alot of old arcade cabinets too so i been thinking about poping my steam link into one but then again...... i live in a apartment and dont have much room for one.... i think ill wait until i have my own house so i can pull out some of my old games.

Rift seems to be looking like its taking a note from EQ2. Everquest went free-2-play for a long while and it didnt take away alot but it gave alot more to the people willing to still pay to play there game. Sadly Rift looks like the only moving things around rather than giving more to the people that pay for that

I grew up being a huge fan of RotLW but once i found out after re-watching it for years it was just a dnd game from some guys in japan...... my mind was blown.....

OH look a FREE GAME with a FREE mode the i DONT have to pay to enjoy....... and it even has BUILD’S SETUP instead of random RNG shit that kills off most MOBA’s ....... BTW great work on Hi-Rez for keeping up all the actually good games over all these years and keeping there company going without laying off a ton of

....I will say it again.... its called a BATTLEGROUND MODE AND OLD ASS GAMES HAVE ALWAYS HAD IT..... how is it shameless to add a mode that made alot of older 90's FPS game really fun..... PUBG was not the first and it is 100% pulled off old game like quake and Unreal..... so yah it neet seeing people add this MODE

..... this game....... its just...... bad in so many ways....... controls are shit, graphics are shit, weapons are shit, skills and attack powers are shit, RNG monsters are shit, and the fact that only your ultimate  attack that you can use once per level is the only thing that can kill the lowest level monsters in

yah im gunna have to stick to my Launch Box..... its free and now there starting to build up a achievement system too

i got my number from the actual game. Go in the EQ1 game and hop in lightwolf or any not green sever and type in chat /who online. It will tell you how many people are online on that sever and there are only a few servers so its adds up fast, but yes i did that as a typo you are correct i meant 5k not 500k

EQ2 is still highly supported now too but still EQ1 can pull around 500,000 people a night per sever. They still get new F2P people too so the EQ community is still growing but very slowly sense the lost of Landmark for no damn reason...... Im still a old EQOA player but once they killed my PS2 sever i had to go back

this concept has already done and i have it too for the PS2 controller from freak controllers. Other than the off feeling about how the buttons on right side sometimes made my thumb sore it actually was a damn good and durable controller.

Working on more of my old Humble Bundles and more Xenosaga 1-3 for the time being. I gotta catch up on all they years i was left behind.

OMG JAZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i haven’t seen him in ages!!!!!! He was my hero before i even knew mega-man was a thing!!!! Jazz was epic and everything in the most badass green space rabbit you’ll ever see.