
So you dont know about the contracts that cost a Shit ton of money to send out the Dubbed version of anime as they are released. But to let you know FLCL was first brought to the US because of Adultswim so seeing the contract re-signed and to be delivered directly to Adultswim rather than people paying for another

Im going to finish the Fable:Lost Chapter HD remake. and continue more of my Xeno live stream. Love the game but the storyline is stupid long.

..... Ihonestly don’t know a single female in my whole life that dosn’t or hasn’t ever played a game.... why is this still a thing. When i see articles like this i makes me feel bad for people trying to think it is still 1990 where there was little market value built up for old age groups (30-50) but seeing that was

Well there actually is a Zohar in every game... just matters on if you see them or read about them.... because there are always going to be some off brand nohsis somewhere... (general monster) But im only saying this because the Zohar kinda ties all the games together from the background but never puts its’ foot in

dude yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I loved this anime... i litterly stayed up after i found it and was late to work... kinda made me really emotional at work too.... but it was really really well done.

if you dont want to watch the old movie to understand i please just play the War for Cybatron games then... It makes it pretty epic IMO.

HAHAHHAHAHA i litterly own that mustang. And it has rusted out into that same color. It even the same model make and year too. Awesome to see it like this.... really makes me want to keep working on it.... but i will also need a new engine and corroborator.... man it would cost me alot to be able to drive my old

Dude this model is killing it.... badly. Why nut creep out most people as you sell this lol i mean dont do drugs kids.....

Old but Gold!!

LOL i know where the history of ugly came from in gaming....

This is a great point but Ithink we are missing a major point here. That only a (NEW) still sealed game can be sold for $50 or its top price being listed from the company not the retailer or if it is a digital version of the game. We have to come into a concept that all used games can not hold a $50 dollar amount

I cant believe people still only donate to other programs like this when they need a shield from harsh people or reality. It dosnt make you a better person it only insults to people you are donating too. All these donation are great but all because of some stupid people on twitter... there is a block button and

Well if you look at the incorrectly aged games there are alot of games for kids out there. You just have to understand what you played as a kid is still safe for your kids to play too you just need to tech them the difference between right and wrong and you never have to worry about the game effecting them in a bad

No joke the Top gif is like Hit box gold right there.

In my opion he has slowly fallen off his high latter and just started yelling alot for no reason. I mean when he was a Grump he was doing great but once he fought with Aron a ton he just went into old dumb videos and random games by himself and rarly got geust anymore... it was almost sad watching him struggle to

I am going to be working on my humble bundle and start out on some old Retro game sand probably record them or something idk right now just got into my new house soooo fun time unpacking.

(update) Riot does not inspect the house’s for the teams . They are given a listing and the head of the team picks out the house. The manger of the team then inspects the house before letting anyone move in and reports all issues back to Riot. If major health issues where found then Riot would deam the house and

I really liked Recettear’s style but alot of people are ripping off there game like this one. I mean even the placement of the shop is the same... at least make a few more changes .. i do like the pixel style but too much of this game is a exact copy of Recettear

Sadly i would rather play Chivalry.... at least its more fun with friends burning and kicking each other 

Battle Chaser’s was started on kickstarter 2 years ago and i got my copy around December 15th.... i dont think this needed to be at PAX this year because they did well enought on there own but it is a epic game. Kinda how we dont need to see Warframe at Pax seeing that the game is 4 years old and everyone and there