
The idea of permadeath truly falls back to the arcade cabinet era. Indie dev’s normally are from that era right now so it give’s them and most of us here a sense of nostalgia well unless you where that kid with a bag of quarters all the time. Honestly if the game is truly long then yes i can agree with you on this

This looks pretty good but just from what i can see online so far i dont see this going far at all or even more than just a fill part. We had a swing at this with WOW TV show but ended up having the movie instead.

I had to wait to play the game i paid for and the only server’s they had open at the time was just the JP server’s.... honestly your right but when you want to play the game you paid 59.99 for or just pray and hope for a sever to come open you kinda have no choice ... btw i checked for a full week before i had to just

The field where the CTF mode is open are way to damn short ... you need running room and any team with widow and sem are a auto win.... i have yet to fine a draw in it, either we win or we lose because if you get a draw then you both have to capture the flag and return it at the same time. Therefor making this whole

Slenderman was alot scarier when he was new because we didn’t know what he would do with our player or why he was even there or why the idea of how randomly he could find you made him scary..... sadly now he is dead and gone and this HBO thing should not even happen....

GG man good to see people like this in the gaming com. He was a good guy and i didn’t even know he passed but this bring another meaning to respect for him and this friends.

Correction any game can use the RED CROSS SYMBOL. Due to it means (health) not any other reason. They could fight over this because it the company wants right over a symbol that has been used sense the dark age’s, then tell them fuck off because they own 100% no right to it at all unless it is a actual

Awesome can’t wait to (STILL NOT GET BACK INTO THIS GAME) ...... I honestly love this game but i just can’t deal with the fact that 95% of my friends can’t play together because of the damn sever pop limit always stopping us from making a character together. Like day one i had to make my player on a JP server no joke

I’m just going to point this out now..... in the old cartoon/live action show “Super Mario Bro’s” reference’s Mario having “3" cousins and 2 were very UGLY and he NEVER saw the 3rd......... if you want to know witch episode i honestly can’t remember but the show is on Netflix now and i still like the show. Also this

Technically you are right, there (was) a Xbox 360 build of the neverwinter 2 gold copy on alot of pirate sites for the xbox 360 in 2008 ... honestly it didn’t contain any achievements in the game either. It was pretty much just the PC version with the 2 expansions added to it and the camera was locked in drive mode.

...... My life is in utter shambles..... at the end of 2015 i had me first son born and was happy but very stressed with work and my wife having a mental break down and having to leave for a ward for awhile.... Post par-dome depression is a horrible thing. Then my roommate says she is leaving a year earlier than we

MOBA’s are not isometric game’s...... thats why they MOBA’S please look up the full definition of the meaning. HoS is not and neither is LoL. is .... AOE 2: Age of the Kings

.... IDK on console it had a 3rd person driving camera but on PC yah it was a good isometric game. Plus who dosn’t love some DnD shit.

Now playing

There now thats some DAMN FINE GAMING!!!!!

loved this game sadly my CD got messed up bad back then so i could never finish it but my Shogo CD that was with was EPIC. Like i feel that was the first official form of Titan Fall.

a joke or not this was just.... dumb, im sorry as a gamer parent even for this to be a joke or a pun from another site i just feel there was no need for it.... like honestly if your kids game that’s awesome ... join them never treat them different that you would treat your own friends and always let them know your in

I’m so sick and tired of people saying this game had no hype...... DO YOU EVEN GOOGLE!!!!!! I mean this litterly is one of the top games that was posted with the launch of the Xbox One!!!!! Million’s of people preorder the Xbox One in hopes to play this game that was listed for 2015. Preorders where posted at game

Wow Platinum really just dropped the ball on this shit...... welp fuck me because that was the main reason i got a Xbox One....... Ugh i really am starting to hate this company almost as much as the guy that made No Man Sky. Welp time to go fight to get my preorder back from amazon......

i honestly dont want this to be a thing. The man doesn’t understand most of the games he plays and just mocks them and make fun of the team that works on them. He is just a ass really.