
I will now be keeping a hard EYE on PA Works... most company’s live out of shit holes but these guys might push out some grade A stuff.

Jim find ways around company’s so often that they might make a new Law... the JIMERFIE!!!!!!

Sorry not meaning to strike out it just alot of people put company’s that need a curb after a few years to see a pay wall as a form of cheating or braking the game when really for games like this that is there form of keeping what they love still a float. Alot of B2P games went that way so they can keep there content

They openly admit to being old Tribes fan’s in the video but making a tribes game and charging people to even own your game without making anything look nostalgic but just like a cartoon is a insult to the Tribes name. I love tribes 1 and 2 and bot Vengeance and Asend. All there game were great Titles hell even the

But you can unlock everything just by playing like 20 rounds... i unlocked every class in 4 hours and i loved all the tribes and even the storyline on Vengance too. The fact that a company ...that has already been taken down from kickstarter.... would take from another company and say everything is new about it and

The fact that Blizzard continues to BS there own fact of how hard it is to push out a Classic version of WOW when Daybreak pushed out a Classic version of there game months before this happend and even charge people for it because free players cant enter the sever means that Blizzard has to be one of the richest and

Im starting my first play of Dark Souls 1 ....... wish me luck.....

whats worse is the fact that i started to like the show and how the Heavy Objects where fighting to lay claim over territory and to settle war conflicts..... but in the end nothing ever got settled nor made a difference in territory range. Even the last episodes were 100% worthless but i really did like the cast.

Man i died the day i wanted to login to my PSO2 account and it said i was a banned IP. What really sucks is i was such a huge PS fan for so many years. Sad to see a company become so greedy that they wont even let the world enjoy it.

Hay good on yah Microsoft. You just paid some girls to do there job for a night and im sure you helped them out alot because they might not have worked that night without you. Because if people are offended with the fact that there are professional girl dancers wearing something that they wear everyday and doing what

Hay Sony fix your shit before you make more of the same crap.... little sad when there are still more people out there with a xbox 360 then a PS3 and same goes with a Xbox One than a PS4. Thats on live account not on sales because there are more live accounts than there are of PSN but im a fan of both just really dont

also just wanted to point out that the xbox one is on sale for 269 right now.

sadly sony will not drop there price lower than 350 ... ever..... unless its a referb because the TECH in the Xbox One is prices at 250 and the tech in the PS4 is price at 340 ...... thats the base parts price because the PS4 had to be ready for VR and the Xbox one was not built for VR at all. Saying that dose also

I finally got over this shit and now yall gota make me sad again.... why ... why would you hit me with so many feels.....

Mine will always be .hack i always love everything about them and there games are DEEP STORY mode and hardcore boss fights.

Damn this is just sad to see. This company was such a huge part of my childhood that when Fable the Lost chapters came out i spend months trying to learn everything about it back then because it was a game with so much back story and real back bone that no matter how kick ass you where at it there was always a chance

I sorry but if you spent over 5M on a game that can be beaten in just hours you need to rethink the way you make your story line in your game because sadly you are charging way too much for a puzzle game. This isn’t portal 2 that game took 7M and is still making the right amount of money .... and its considered one of

I will say that awesome he wrote to them. But back then if you wanted to fix your old GBA or you Color one the only way to fix it would to be send it in and wait a year for it to come back or find someones broken framed one and swap it with yours..... I have a Raspberry-pi in my old original GB with the sound system

I’ve been a Tribes fan for years and they have never put out a single shitty game just the community’s have been shity but the loyal fans have keeps the series a float sense 1998 and there single player was just a fun as the multiplayer. In-fact the bots where fun to play against most of the time because Shaz bot

I have played a TON and I do mean a TON of MMO’s and FF14 was epic even before ARR was made but it only needed a new system to make it popular again. But to me a game is only work its money if you can spend that money on time spent on the game so subscription based games now have to meet a quota with how much new end