zero chance she is a competitive runner.
zero chance she is a competitive runner.
literally > 1/4 of the states 8 million people are condensed into Arlington, Fairfax, Loudoun and Prince William counties.
lol @ marriage being a lifetime commitment
i really don’t know any particulars about williams, but it probably breaks down like any job for a normal person with a range of factors that we’d only be guessing at.
why is this so hard to believe? like 10 teams in the NFL, at any given time, are hot garbage. it only stands to reason that they would do a hot garbagey thing, like offer Greggggggggg Williams a HFC job sight unseen.
counterpoint: adults (ie people usually over 30ish) don’t give a fuck what you think about them. they are here to have fun on their own terms.
like everything else since late 2016: it’s all fun and games until some jackass shows up in blackface.
wont last. dude has like 84 kids and his child support has to be yuge.
that costume seems a little to spot on. where the hell is he getting all this shit from?
there are no rules that stop a pitcher from pitching consecutive days.
As a person who grew up in one of the listed towns (actually grew up there, not a shoobie), i don’t think i’ve ever seen anyone list AC as the best at anything other than highest populations of hookers, drugs, and gambling (not that there is anything wrong with any of those things)
i don’t get why everyone always lobbies for killing the football program. don’t get me wrong, i couldn’t give 2 shits about Maryland football, but what does bulldozing the stadium and building new academic buildings actually accomplish?
i find that when people capitalize random words in sentences, those people tend to be of lower intelligence.
i think most would agree with the premise of your argument but i think the analogy is lacking.
Kansas would like a word with you.
i would guess it probably goes more like:
a) i never said poor people were stupid. in fact, the word ‘stupid’ is never mentioned until you posted it.
there is a reason for this. people who are well off - thus having more exposure to dealing with money - typically do not play the lottery on a regular basis, with the rare exception of when it gets high enough to warrant everyone play the lottery, thus those types of people will win less often.
look at his linked twitter. there are 2 pics of her i saw, one from 2015 (also in the article) and one from 2013 where she’s holding a dog. she was much thinner in both.
probably, but not necessarily. Warren Buffet still famously lives in the same house he did in the 60s despite having the funds to purchase any home he wants. some people might win the lottery and need 4 homes of several million dollars each. some people might be ok with a home < 1MM.