
the few states that have poker legalized (NV, NJ, DE) would probably do it rather quickly.

i said “basketball players”, not LeBron specifically. figure out what an average basketball player looks like then come back and talk to me...

man, 30s, 5'10", 240 lbs, bench 325, squat 515, deadlift 545, zero basketball skills

i think a case could be made that baseball and basketball could be flipped. they are easily 1 & 2 by a wide margin

sample size be damned, since 1 guy was a badass, they are all badasses by association!

lol, obv a guy cold cocking another proves you right.

soccer isn’t a major sport in the US, which i prefaced my statement by saying “of the 4 major sports”, meaning football, baseball, basketball and hockey.

they all seem to throw wild haymakers that never land. plus with how they tend to throw punches, there is probably little force behind them

baseballl is #2, but not by much. there are a lot of bigger guys in baseball. basketball has a lot of guys who look like Durant, who are sticks.

250 is not a lot for a guy who is 6'8", especially when the alternative is someone like a linebacker who weighs the same weight, is 4"-6" shorter yet is way stronger

not in USA

2 guys boxing terribly doesnt prove anything wrt actually fighting. last i checked, if someone is in a bar fight, they don’t have all those rules

have you ever seen basketball players fight? of 4 major pro sports, i’d gladly get in a fight with a basketball player over any other sport, by a wide margin. their reach is their only advantage. they all flail around like fools when actually trying to fight. also, they seem to get injured insanely easily and are

did you read the books?

ummm, John Williams was born on Long Island, NY

they were murdering to protect the smallfolk from raiders and outlaws,which includes Starks bannermen or other northerners too.

Remember in the books, someone has the Hound’s helm and is killing people and leaving him with the blame...

lol @ thinking 40M doing anything.

his itinerary for the night has a little more depth than “getting home, cracking open a PBR, and stroking one out”