
Glad the guy is doing ok


Hold your tits there princess. Your headline is very misleading. The WH did what it intended to do. Get the democrats and republician to get this resolved before Obama’s end date or Trump will not expand the executive order. What happened? Pelosi filabustered her own parties push and gave the republicans more power to

MS Capital Police is actually a consulting firm that is in the private sector. It is a business not actually everyday city police. They probably are not represented by a union

You do know a lesbian co star of MWC was basiclly running the behind the scenes and wrote most of the jokes

He is not in ‘Bible Man’ mode anymore. He is now a captian on boat cruises

These judges understand Trump isnt ending daca. Since it was an unconstitutional presidental executive order, even Obama who wrote it said it was unconstitutional, there was a flat end date put into that executive ordee and Trump is just going to let it run out. The judges actually, under the constitution, have no say

In your fantasy land of “underground railroad”, what do you expect? How are you going really support them. You’re losing the battle because of brianless twits like you spewing this crap

was it the same issues at iowa state or was it booze and brods?

A liberals nightmare.

Quick answer _ mom was involed with payola

Illinois’ voter registration rolls are not online along with colorado, california, wisconsin and florida and couldnt be hacked. so woulf the twit who wrote this care to explain how they could be hacked or maybe she should have actually read the full statement from manfra that said it was a far fetched though that

i got a chance to see the movie early and i rate this as my favorite mcu movie. very well done

enjoyed playing w/ her.

This is literally the stupidest thing i have watched in months.

<quote>Potential candidates include Senators Kamala Harris, Kristin Gillibrand, Cory Booker, Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy, Sherrod Brown, and Bernie Sanders; Governors Jerry Brown and Andrew Cuomo</quote>

So Girl Scouts who are making a profit from this girl, is mad girl sold cookies and made money?

its illinois. you have rahm up on chicago who managed to pass an ordinance that basiclly is going to kick the blacks out of the city. now you have the kennedy’s getting into chicago politics even though the city has ties to the deaths of the kenndys. mike madigan is trying to break the unions. i believe 7 governors

It’s Illinois, Rahm’s trying to kick the blacks out of Illinois. Kennedy’s trying to get in the Chicago Machine. Democrats trying to break the union. It’s a strange place here.

It was also anounced Finland and Norway also are involved deporting their african immigrants. So is Chicago under Rahm’s new law of kicking them out of the cith