
I've been telling everyone to check out Jane the Virgin. It's so good!! Gina is adorable and her speech made me tear up. SO glad to see her talent get recognized. Now, I just want to GG to finally fucking recognize Tatiana Maslany.

I, for one, welcome our DUPLO overlords.

The Crimean War has started again, and there's a black market for cheese. I'm starting to get simultaneously scared and super duper excited. I might have to move my Thursday Next books from "fiction" to "non-fiction"

These tips are nice general skin care tips, but they DO NOT work for someone with cystic acne. A huge part of acne is genetic, especially cystic acne, and you can treat your face like it's fucking made of gold and that won't stop the cysts from coming. I'm glad you shared your tips, but as someone who had cystic acne

Acne can be debilitating, particularly as an adult when everyone thinks you should have grown out of it. People can talk up the whole "it's what's on the inside that counts" all they want, but it really, really sucks to know that the first thing someone is noticing about you is your bad skin. I don't think that

Antibiotics never worked for my acne. The only thing that has ever worked is Accutane.

you know what? i'm going to admit something. i'm nervous about saying it, but i need to put it out there.

Ewww, the picture was not necessary. Sorry, immediate reaction to that woman's face. But I totally feel you on the message.

It's not about making thin white girls feel like shit, it's about giving all the other girls in all the other sizes representation because fashion sorely lacks in anything other than the thin+white combo. You are beautiful and worthy, and you also have pretty much every brand imaginable representing you. Women who

My motto is if you can easily do a kind thing, do it.

Connie had this twigged twenty years ago...


I didn't say no criticism. I the most effective criticism comes from a place of love. Anger has it's place. It's a fuel for passion and action and behavior. But it's a destructive force, like fire. Like fire, it has to be marshaled and controlled, or it will hurt people.

I thought when items were considered sacred by a was a dick move to appropriate them or use them in a disrespectful manner. You Native war bonnets or kachina dolls?

I mean, everyone's experience is different. Granted, I have a pretty high pain tolerance, but it was not even close to the most horrific pain of my life. I stubbed my toe this morning and that hurt more. Anecdotal, of course, but I hate to think of you being scared of something that's only awful for some people!

Jesus. I'm really sick of this "Single film" nonsense based on the number of pages. Lots of people don't have the slightest idea of how adaptations work, it seems to me.

While the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the temple of Solomon.

One of the reasons I think Canada (and other parts of the world) has reacted so strongly is because it glorifies the US at the expense of a country that so very often gets shafted in film already. Even Canadian writers feel they must write about the US in order to get famous or well-known, or at least to make their