I bet he ends up with Michael Jackson syndrome.
I bet he ends up with Michael Jackson syndrome.
@MDN: in 3D
You're telling me when the new SSX comes out I won't be able to isolate myself on some remote mountain before flying down on my snowboard? Please say it aint so.
Bah, this review confirmed all my worst fears for this film. Ah well, I'll still enjoy it for the special effects and fight sequences anyways.
@MxPxRobbie: I think you're confusing him with CLU who was the only bad guy in the original trailer.
I like how they manage to be offensive where/when nobody else is. That screenshot is more gruesome than anything I'd seen in any SMB screenshot.
@Wess28: haha, wow. Thank god I didn't have coffee in my mouth when I read your post.
They're creating news where there is none. Keep that money train rolling.
@the7k: Thanks for the response. I'm still not sure how I feel about Kinect, so I'm just gonna have to find a store and try it out myself. Knowing the lag exists bothers me. I think it might mean that Kinect will be limited to certain types of games because of it. But I guess the future will tell what sort of software…
@cyruss: 1. Hype 2. People with money to spend 3. Marketing 4. Hipsters
@the7k: I have to keep asking people who've experienced it: how's the lag?
"Murdoch's Daily, on the other hand, is rumored to be launching December 9th with more of a traditional news focus."
In that 2nd picture, I find it startling to see a photo-realistic car in a surrounding that is not so realistic looking. I don't know how I feel about that.
@CacknBallz: indeed, it's pretty bad
I stay faaaaaar far away from black friday every year. Spent all day instead at home playing World at War in Veteran mode. Good times. Frustrating as all hell, but fun. :)
That headline is so mean. I almost got excited but something told me it was too good to be true.
But how seriously can we take Kinect right now? Didn't they dumb down the hardware for the masses? And what about all the awful lag we're seeing in the launch games? Is that a software or hardware issue? both?
@Effin' Eh: Seems the wheels are due to them being perfectly inflated in the game, is that what you're seeing?
@Booji-Boy: oh right, I don't care, because I only play Rock Band anyways