If it's anything like Wii Motion Plus, I'll play one or two games with it for a short period of time and then forget it.
If it's anything like Wii Motion Plus, I'll play one or two games with it for a short period of time and then forget it.
@Khoi Pham | ph15h: Yikes, hadn't thought of that and apparently neither did Sony.
@Anarkiwi: I dunno, everything I've seen makes it look like just another generic platformer. *shrug*
It's just too darned expensive for me to consider buying. I've already spent so much on Wii stuff and have been left with only TWO games that support the Wii MotionPlus.
Soundtrack and documentary will be online within a week. The rest is crap.
Looks like something that should be on the 3DS perhaps. :)
Hey, a Gamestop that doesn't suck! It's a VG miracle!
@milo128 says to cut your nose off to spider-face!!!!: OK, that actually makes sense then. I don't fall for hype, so I'll wait this one out.
Can someone explain to me the fascination with the Halo games? I tried 2 & 3 and thought they were really boring. What am I missing?
@stone500: Thanks!
@StewbuilderPete: Read up.
@Serious.Business: I just had a clean, pure herp derp moment. No excuses.
@STUNNER-LW: Will do. Thanks!
@selderane: I had a derp moment. My bad.
@Krackato-ATOMIC COLLIDER!: I definitely had a very herp-derp moment. My bad.
@Bombos: Good point. I am a bit of a downer (and an idiot). I'll try and work on that.
@PhoenixDog: That doesn't mean it doesn't look like shit.
So, they put her in JAIL for a HEALTH issue?