
hmmm, needs more P's and 3's.

@PristineSneakers: Honestly, who the fuck cares if anyone knows or doesn't know who Usher is. I sure as hell didn't listen to the guy's music. Never have. Never will. He's just another corporate rock star.

Sounds pointless.

I totally called the placement of the analog controller and the inner camera.

The whole thing is just kinda dumb, unless you live alone, then it's just sad.

The 3D "sweet spot" effect really, really concerns me. It's the only thing that may or may not kill this thing for me. I want the 3D to kick ass, but I don't want to have to hold the thing perfectly in one spot the entire time in order to enjoy playing it in 3D.

@tksl: That's what people said about a new Kid Icarus game not too long ago.

You don't look like a controller and I'm pretty fucking baked right now.

What the fuck is all this crap? Did we all die and go to video game hell?

oooooh, Skittles, you like that don't you? oh yeah!

wtf was that shit?

No way in hell I'm running in place. Been there. Done that.

Is this gaming hell? Did I die?

@Booji-Boy: guhhh, ya gotta kinect er up to the ecks-bawx y'all, giddyap.

"Kinect" sounds like country hick speak for "connect".

how does it look laying horizontally? Because that shit would not fit into my current setup like that.

whatever it is, it's pretty ugly