
This is the best thing since Dr. Horrible's Sing-A-Long Blog.

Kojima's trippin'.

@MetaKz: 2-D to 3-D converted movies don't count. Those are abominations and should be destroyed upon sight.

@Perfec7: Then all I can say is that there's something wrong with your eyes, because it does all those things for me that you wish it did for you. If it doesn't seem like 3D has advanced, then you're not seeing what most other viewers are seeing. It's pretty amazing.

@Perfec7: Apparently you haven't been to a 3-D movie in the past few years.

@Ion_Predator: Cross your eyes and tap your heels together 3 times while repeating "there's no place like 3D" until you can see it yourself through your regular, unfiltered, non-3D monitor.

the 3-D rush of 2010 continues...

Thanks, Mr. Baer!

@Sustenance: hahaha, excellent post. thank you very much. I share your feelings.

Isn't it a little bit early for May?

Well, he's still more honest than a politician.

@Viic Viiper: Yeah, I guess their logic takes them where it has to for them, despite the misgivings of a few developers and gamers.

@Brian Crecente: Gotcha. I've been confused lately about what's established for certain and what's not with the new 3DS. I'll just wait and see what E3 brings.

How are we ever going to move on to digital downloads only if this current system stays in place? I don't think it could survive. Surely, they must be thinking about this for the future of consoles.

haha, I was hoping for a remix of the original Tron theme music, but I didn't hear it, unless I missed it. Still, that's pretty funny and sort of depressing. I could have never watched that and taken it seriously, even as a kid.

Brian, you almost make it sound like the only thing the 3DS has going for it over the current systems is the 3D capability, but if I understand correctly, every facet of the DS will be improved, making it a no-brainer to wait and see.

I don't care about their reasoning. I'm not buying it anyways.

Vote Kratos...OR DIE!

I guess this news guarantees that this DLC will be at least $10 on XBL then?