
Damn, a 3-D Spidey flick would be awesome!

I looooooooooooove 3-D!! It enhances the movie experience imo and is just plain fun. I'll eventually get all the equipment necessary to experience it at home. It's only a matter of time.

OMG, that must look amazing in 1080p 3-D. I WANT!!

@MadMinstrel: You're boring, repetitive and unresponsive.


@Brodka: regrettably: I really liked that I had to work hard to be creative at the final boss battle. I appreciate that. It took me about 6 tries with about 4 different vehicles until I beat Grunty. That part of the game was satisfying, no doubt.

Those analog nubs look painfully awkward to reach. My hands hurt just looking at it.

@Amazing_Spiderham: It doesn't seem to be much of a detractor if more people are plunking down money for 3-D versions of movies at the theater instead of the 2-D versions. I say this, despite the cost of 3-D tickets. More 3-D tickets are sold, however.

Creating vehicles is VERY fun. The actual missions, however, are not fun. This game fails because the actual game overall gets old really fast. You play hoping for something bigger and better to come along, but it never happens. This should have been a platformer.

@DrXym: Yeah, I just don't see it any other way. I'm certainly not convinced otherwise at least.

"Make.Believe is not a new marketing slogan, he says, it's a new effort to establish a personal connection with consumers... with a set of words... kinda like a.... slogan?"

The Wii needs compelling content. A re-hashed series of games isn't very compelling, especially if it appears inferior and outdated.

An incredibly gorgeous and charming game that should have been the platformer it wasn't. The end.

I'd play it.

@Covenant: I'd like to think I've been pretty good. And no, no warranty here. That's life I guess.

No games for me again this year, but I did get a RROD.

@vanchrian: It's not unusual for a director to carry over the same crew from previous films he/she has worked on, ya know.

@Elessel: I'm not sure I'd recommend playing them back to back, since they're pretty much the same game. I'd take a little breather after PH before diving into ST.