
@DNinja: Remember, it's optional. You don't have to play anything in 3-D, but it's there for people who will enjoy it.

I am AAAAAAAAALL over this. I can't wait for a real 3-D experience at home. No more anaglyph FTW!!

@CiremoIV: Who in turn probably actually composed one or two pieces for the game. There's another composer listed who probably did all the actual in-game music and he probably got chumped too. He certainly did in recognition anyways.

Sweet, that makes for good wallpaper, thanks!

I looooooove Hunters. More, please! #metroid

@GtrBMart: Thanks for the advice. I'll look into your suggestions. I do lots of stretches, but it never seems to be enough. I'm also gonna try taking more fish oil and bromelain to ease inflammation and hope that that helps. #talkamongstyourselves

I have tendinitis and it's preventing me from being able to play games. The pain gets so bad that I can't do much of anything. My hands and arms hurt 24-7. Any tips from other gamers out there on dealing with this condition? #talkamongstyourselves

AC2, LBP PSP and L4D2 for me! Maaaaaaybe NSMBWii if the wife begs me for it. Don't need the GOW Collection since I have backwards compatibility with the PS2 versions. Those look great btw on PS3. #weekingames

By then we should have the Wii HD and the Sony wand controller. It'll be a tough market for MS to crack. #projectnatal

Motorstorm: Arctic Edge

blah blah blah, we've heard it before. Reggie, you suck at speaking, no one can relate to you, please stop doing E3, thank you. #wii

Huh, I wasn't considering playing LBP, but now I will have to think about it some more. I'm intrigued by the amount of support it gets. #littlebigplanet

@Cloral: I see what you're saying, but there's only one direction to go and that's forward. #wii