
@Some_Guy2: Source? I don't recall ever hearing that. Only thing I ever heard was "over 10,000"

@PissedPS3Fan: yeah, I can see that now, haha. I was like, damn, I can't hit her, wtf! lol, I'm gonna have to try something different it seems. :)

Gonna see about how I can defeat Screaming Mantis in MGS4, without resorting to gamefaqs.

@R_Shackelford: Wrong kind. Those may or may not be compatible with next year's tech. The BDA is standardizing 3-D as of next year, which is when the new tvs will roll out.

I am soooooo buying a 3-D tv when they come out and tech is standardized for home use. I've been waiting practically all my life for decent stereoscopic 3-D at home and it seems it may finally arrive. If the new specs include two separate 1080p images like reports have indicated, we may be in for a real treat!

@PossibleCabbage: As someone who wears prescription glasses, I disagree. It's slightly bothersome, but totally worth it. 3-D is an amazing and immersive experience that I would love to have in my home. If I have to wear glasses on top of my glasses then so be it.

@WhiteMage: Apparently you haven't been to the theaters to witness the latest and greatest 3-D tech ever developed.

@BubbleF**kingBuddy: I never understood why so many gamers can't see the possibilities in new tech. I thought they'd be the most open minded of any bunch.

@Monkey Majiks: Here in the U.S. you can re-use the same pair of glasses. Also, 3-D was created to make movies more entertaining and bring people back to theaters. They were losing money and 3-D is what's keeping them alive. 3-D is praised here and it does better than 2D versions of the same films. Nothing negative

I wonder if he knows it's a music game.

Could Valve make it so that if you have the 360 version of the original game loaded onto your HD, then you can combine the two communities and load campaigns from either game in the same menu?

@Archaotic: So it begins. The next great video game crash is in effect. Maybe?

oh ok, excuse me while I throw out my DS Lite.

lol, he did this to himself.

I always wondered what this guy did after the 80's music scene died out.

It's not so much the DS that's gonna kill my hands soon, but the month of September most certainly will. Too many good games.