
buttons, touch screen AND real analogue sticks, please!

I just don't enjoy it. The controls and gameplay are mostly dull, imo. Definitely not for me. Controls feel so restrictive, slow, clunky and outdated.

that is frighteningly realistic! wow!

ok then, bring back EA BIG and gimme my SSX sequel already...but not that shit you shat on the Wii.

@Sakilla: I just wonder if they counted on us hardcore gamers to stick around and buy more Nintendo games. If that's the case, then I do feel a little insulted for having bought a Wii for all my gaming needs in the first place. I recently jumped ship, got myself a 360 and haven't touched the Wii since.

Will any developer top Shadow of the Colossus? I really want to buy a PS3, but I'm waiting for better games that I love playing.

@bknight: aight, I'll knock off the price of the adapter and chop Live in half: ~$320.

Xbox360: $300 w/60GB HDD + $45 Xbox Live + $100 WiFi Adapter = $445 Total

*hugs* ^______________________________...^;;

Didn't get anything last year. Could this year be different?

If they do this right and it kicks all kinds of ass, I will be on board. I've been waiting a long time now for the right 3D gaming system to come along.

Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts.

Sounds interesting so far. I wonder how it compares (in spirit) to a game like Soul Bubbles? That game stole my heart. I've played through it 3 times already, wishing I'd see more games like it.

Speaking hypothetically, what do you guys think would happen in the case that most every gamer decided to boycott paying for extra clothing and/or what most would consider unnecessary DLC?

@chromegnome: sadly and scarily enough, we probably are in the minority :/

@Theoutlet: People not like me, apparently. The future is downloadable/streaming content. It's inevitable and we all know it.

@excaleranth: Hit that trusty guide button - the new mini-blades are you friend.